The Final Battle (Part Three)

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Eclipse's POV

I stumbled some as I walked towards the doors so I could leave the training room. I had to blink continuously to clear my eyes. I was used to this form, yet it still decided to be a bit of a pain. My sense of balance was slowly returning as I was walking, and that gave me a bit of confidence.

It'll be fine. All I have to do is take down David. The man that started this whole mess. He won't stop, whether I'm a full Nightfury or not. Surely by now he would realize I was changed, and that's why he hasn't seen me out there.

I shoved the front doors open, staring ahead at the fight in front of me. The ships were awfully close to the shore, but Hiccup and Toothless were taking care of that.

Toothless turned in my direction, seeing me up and walking. A relieved facial expression came upon him, and he immediately came running in my direction. He stood in front of me and started rubbing his head against mine like a cat might. I gave him the same affection, before continuing to walk forwards. Now's not the time for that. We both have business to attend to.

"Eclipse!" His voice shot out as I raised my wings. I turned towards him, a curious look upon my face.

"Promise me you'll be careful." His voice turned soft and scared, looking over at me. "I promise," I lied through my teeth, knowing I had no choice no matter what ended up happening.

I flew up, quickly making my way over to the ships. I shot through plenty of them as I made my way forwards. I knew I couldn't stop what I was doing to help anyone yet, even though I spotted Astrid cornered on a ship. I know Stormfly has her back, I have no reason to worry for her.

I saw David standing on a large ship, pointing up at me. Nets shot out, catching me unprepared. I tried dodging it, but it caught the edge of my tail, sending me down towards his ship.

I tried to flap my wings to fly back up, but it grew difficult with the net on my tail. I landed on his ship, right on my back. I heard a crack come from my body, but I got up nonetheless. One of the base bones in my wing is shattered, which caused my left wing to droop down.

"Ah, glad to see you joined us, Eclipse." His voice was deep, and his expression annoyed me. A smile upon that mad face he has. The only reason he'd smile is if people around him are dying, it's sick.

I stood steadily on my feet, trying to drag the net off of my tail as it swung back and forth behind me.

I can't get out of here with my wing this damaged, better hope for the best.

Toothless's POV

Eclipse fell to the biggest ship. She hasn't flown back up, and it was terrifying me. She's okay, right? Yeah. Yeah, of course she's okay. It's Eclipse. She's a strong capable female . . .

The question gnawed at my stomach, but I knew I had to continue distracting the men here, I didn't have a choice. If any of us stop doing our task, or mess up, we could very easily die, and I don't want that.

I don't want to lose anyone . . . They all matter to me.

I aggressively took down the men, trying to clear my mind of anxious thoughts about Eclipse. The most we all can do for her at this moment is fight along side her. The men came towards me, a wide variety of unknown weapons being lunged in my direction. Hiccup was back at my side now, accompanied by the twins.

Ruffnut's POV

I threateningly swung my sword from side to side, looking down upon those who dare face us. Tuffnut had his back pressed against my own as we slowly began to be crowded by the overwhelming amount of men. The boats just kept seeming to flood in from no where. How were we supposed to defeat so many?

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