Chapter 12 - Roy For President...

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(art does not belong to me!!)

Chapter 12 - Roy For President...

"We're here, Central!" Edward yells out into the mildly empty train station, a suitcase over his shoulder and three figures, two more substantial sized and one just under average trailing behind him; Major Armstrong, Alphonse Elric, and myself.


After that fun evening we all had a few nights ago, we decided to not speak of it again, mainly because I don't remember half of what happened and prefer to stay as naive as possible towards it. But what I was told was, while I was out cold, the Elric siblings - with some help from my own blood relatives - explained my incident to Winry and Pinako. After I found out about the new development, I wasn't at all pleased. Let's just say it ended with one bruised cheek, a small dent in a suit of armour and an almost dented automail fist. After I had calmed down, I didn't just get a lecture and two looks of pity and disappointment from the Rockbells, oh no. As well as all that I got two massive hits to the head by our old friend, Mr Wrench. It hurt like hell, but I took it as my punishment from them. What was done is done and Winry needed to find out at some point.


As we walk - more like speed walk - through the station we are greeted with two familiar faces, ones I haven't seen in quite some time.

"Major Armstrong, we're here to see you!" Ross states as she and Brosh salute the Major.

"Good work Second Lieutenant Ross, Sargent Brosh," Armstrong says, Edward, Alphonse and I watched closely on the scene at hand.

Brosh relaxes moments after his greeting and takes a look over to the rest of the group. He stops his inspecting as he spots the Elrics. "Oh, are you the Fullmetal Alchemist?" He asks, doing what everyone seems to do and misunderstands Alphonse to be the Fullmetal Alchemist, instead of Pipsqueak over here.

I hold in my urge to smile as I stare blatantly at the scene before me. Both Ross and Brosh start introducing themselves to Alphonse with enthusiasm and complimentary statements. The younger Elric just stands there and waits for a moment before stopping their rambling. He - along with Major Armstrong and myself - point to Edward with either a sweating or bored expression.

"Huh?" Brosh exclaims, "The small guy?"

In an instant Edward charges at the officers, flailing his arms and legs wildly as Armstrong holds him above the ground by the collar.

"W-we are very sorry!!" Ross exclaims as she and Brosh sweat profusely.

"I didn't mean small, um... erm..." Brosh mumbles with his hands raised in defence.

I turn away from the show of amusement and begin to walk away from the group, not caring about the commotion they are making. I take one last glance over my shoulder, however, as I address the Major. "I will have to say farewell for now. I need to check into Central HQ, so the Colonel doesn't go off at me for being away for too long."

The major turns to me to respond. "I shall accompany you! I will report to Central HQ alongside you."

I nod my head indifferently and turn back. I continue my path outside of the station, knowing the Major won't be too far behind me. As I walk, I see eyes turn in my direction and stare at me. I pull my cloak's hood off my shoulders and onto my head, casting a shadow over my eyes and hiding my appearance. I'm not one for standing in a spotlight or drawing attention to myself, that's why I prefer to wear my hood when in busy or crowded areas.

"I just hope the boys won't find out the truth too soon..." I whisper before focusing on my journey.


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