Chapter 2- the cake

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' s-she said yes. SHE SAID YES ' I start dancing since I was in my room by myself. A knock on the door stopped me from my dance " who is it ?" who could it be. Brother is with his girlfriend? " Sasuke its rose. you have a. Umm guest. " what? What does mean " what do u mean Rose? "" the creeper fan girl sakura " did she just say Sakura !!! " oh shit " that's all I have to say. " 3..........2............1 " really thats all she has to say. They love of my life is gonna just watch as a creepy fan girl jumps me!!! " SASUKE-KUN!!!!!!! " "ah!! "oh she did not just push rose to the ground. YOU DO NOT PUSH MY ROSE IN ANYWAY. " sasuke-kun will you go on a date with me. Pls " wait how long has she been talking. Oh well I don't care. "Hn. No " I don't even look at her. ' when did rose leave. ' " sasuke-kun.......SASUKE-KUN!!!!!!!!!!" oh she was talking again. Ops. Oh well I don't care, why doesn't she just go ask naruto out ? " Hn. Get out Sakura. " " w what. Sasuke ? Did that freak do something to you ?!?! " who is she talking about ? " wha..." is that rose? Oh she looks pissed. " Sakura. Why would I even hurt a friend or the one I'm keeping safe. Your and idiot. But just like sasuke said. Time too leave. " Bwahahahaha she just kicked her out of the house and when I say kicked. I mean KICKED.

/\/\/\/\/\/\ time skip /\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Why can't I sleep? It's one in the morning!! Maybe it's because of what sakura said. ' what does she mean by freak? ' is all I've been thinking about for the last hour. Yeah she has the kyuubi in her but still she isn't a freak because of it! My mind goes to rose again. They way she talks, when shes fighting every move she makes. Her outfit, oh god her outfit. The way it hugs her body. It shows ever curve. When she sways her hips when shes making fun if someone........ Shit I'm getting hard....... Think of something gross. Ummm Itachi in a bikini......... GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!! I need sleep.



" Itachi! " I knock on his door. I was bored and I wanted to know if a could make a cake. What? I bake when I get bored. Ok. ' oh kit ! ' is that kyuubi what does he want ' what is it. I'm busy. ' ' sure you are I just wanted to know. WHEN ARE YOU GONNA TELL UCHIHA HOW U FEEL!!!!!!!' ' s-shut up. Probably never. I mean he has so many fan girls why would he like me? The lone wolf. ' I hear a growl ' ok ok, I mite have both fox and wolf. Some dragon. Well more the the other two. But still it's how the saying goes so stop bitching and deal with it '

" oi. Rose you their " " huh. Oh sorry I just needed to ask you a question " how long has he been their ??

" what is it ?" " I'm just bored I wanted to now if I could bake a cake ? " this is soooo weird. I've never felt this award. " why not. Oh just do you know. Sasukes favorite it red velvet. " ( a/n DONT KNOW IF THAT'S TRY BUT I DON'T CARE ) i just look at him. " no way. How could a ice prince like a bright color like red velvet ?!" is he laughing? OMG THE WORLD GONE MAD. WHERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!! " he's not the ice prince everyone thinks he is. It's just because of the fan girls he's like that. "" that makes since. Anyway thanks. I'm going to go get started ! " I walk too the kitchen and get out what I need. ' this should be fun. Right kyuubi ?' I don't know why I asked him. For the fun of the answer I guess. ' sure kit. You trying too make sasuke get blue balls ? ' ' w w what. STOP SMIRKING !!!!' great now my face is as red as a tomato. ' I'm gonna get you for that one kyuubi. ' ' sure you will kit. By what ? Proving me right! Hahah ' the world truly has gone mad. A demon just laughed O.o. What the hell is going on.....

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\2 hours later/\/\/\/\

" done !! " ' way to go kit you managed too turn into a snowman. ' ' I think I like the you that laughs better ' " Hn. Rose did u really get flower all over your face ? " is that sasuke. Oh shit it's sasuke. " hey!!! You try making a cake that's like a Christmas tree without getting flower on your face !!! " great my face is red again.' Kyuubi don't say a word ' ' too late. ROSE AND SASUKE SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G. FIRST COMES LOVE. SECOND COMES MARRIAGE. THIRD COMES THE BABY IN RE BABY CARRIAGE !!!!!!! ' I get a sweat drop as I look at kyuubi's face. ' kyuubi your so fucked up in the head. ' that's all I have too say. " Oi. Rose you ok? " oh Sasuke was talking. Ooooops. " yeah. Kyuubi is fucked up in the head thou. " all I heard from kyuubi one very loud ' hey '. " haha and how is that so? " " one did you just laugh and two you don't even wanna now !". " what so weird about me laughing ? " I just stare at him and stare then I yell " YOUR THE ICE PRINCE !!!!! " I'm acting like an idiot but oh we'll. I can clam myself later with my favorite song. Good thing I brought my headphones. ( yes I'm having them have some stuff we have today deal with it. This song is making me. I love it SOOO much. Lol ) " Hn. That says nothing. " " suuuure people that never talk that much or ever laugh just laugh and nobody question it. That normal. " " oh shut up " i couldn't help the smile coming on my face. " maybe I don't wanna ". ' nice one kit act like an idiot in front of your love ' ' what do u mean. I mean maybe it's just a thing that friends get ? ' ' sure you always been friends. LIE YOU BEEN FRIENDS SINCE YOU WERE TEN. YOU'VE BEEN LIKE THIS SIINCE YOU WERE 8 KIT GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS!!! ' oh shit I got him mad. ' TALKTOYOULATER!!!!!!!' I may have said that too fast for him but I don't care. " anyway. I have to go meet kakashi for training see you later. " oh thank god I can listen to my song now. I run into my room, grab my phone and headphones. ' night core supernatural. I love this song. !' I press play and start drawing. What I love drawing and I already cleaned up the kitchen, so I mite as well. I mean Itachi is with his teacher too, nothing else to do.

After 4 hours their back. Already. Their so lucky the only have practice for 4 hours. Oh well when the 3 sannin train you, your gonna have practice for 10 hours. Oh well.

/\/\/\ Later that night/\/\/\

' Finally it's 11 I can sleep!!!!! ' that's all that's on my mind. SLEEP. After the day I've had I would like too get some. I mean this day was FUCKED UP!!!! kyuubi was laughing and Sasuke!!!!! When did they laugh. It scared me. But hey who am I too judge? All I now I have 4 more days till I can leave. Unless what my brother said all those years ago where true. If it is, I don't now what I'll do. But I do now, it's not gonna be pretty....

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