“Sven!” You called and he came to your aid taking Train’s arm from your shoulder to his so you could slip out.

“There’s four men out back covering our escape route, what do you want to do?” Miyu asked as you closed in on them, an intense hatred emanating off your body. You pulled Ares out and marched towards the back door a terrifying atmosphere pushing outwards every step you took. As you passed by Miyu, you felt the familiar burning that meant your cat’s eye had come out to play.

‘Who am I kidding?’ You thought, your anger at Train’s injury burying all of your logic. ‘I’m a killer. It’s what I do. It’s what I’m good at.’

“Only four?” You asked cocking your gun. “I’m insulted.” You threw your shoulder against the door bursting out into the night and pointed Ares straight out at the first target your eyes focused in on. In a moment all chaos erupted with you in the center of it picking off every one of the enemies that crossed your path. Then everything went red.



Falene looked all out terrifying as she pushed her way out into the middle of the fight. It had been a while since you last seen her lose her temper in a fight as she was always so composed for missions but this time they had really let loose the monster. You turned to the rest of the group that now looked to you for a command. Leading was not your forte.

‘What would Falene do, what would Falene do?” You wondered. Your brain froze on the most obvious choice and you spun back around to Falene’s exit. You didn’t have time to think, you had to act. “Falene will blaze a trail in an instant but she’s lost her temper and won’t be joining us.” You stated. You could feel Train’s disapproving stare and could see him in your mind’s eye preparing to shoot the idea down. “We don’t have time to debate. We’re outnumbered and clearly outgunned. After we gain some distance, I’ll circle back and bail her out but there’s nothing else we can do for her at the moment.” You turned and looked directly at Train. “You don’t understand. The Falene you know doesn’t currently inhabit her body. When she loses her temper it’s like she loses her mind. She doesn’t see us; she sees red. Anyone who gets in her path right now is going to die.” You let the gravity of the situation sink in before continuing. “This is what Falene would do.” You pulled out your gun and turned back to the exit. “We don’t have much time. We’ve got one shot at this so let’s move!” You started sprinting towards the door with the others on your heels. You glanced over your shoulder briefly at Train and Sven. It was amazing: even in his state, Train was able to run the same speed as any healthy man.

You stopped halfway between the tree line and the safe house and glanced around covering the others as they made their escape. Your eyes darted to Falene’s figure that was gliding through the enemies striking them down in her wake. She was still human; she would eventually get tired. You turned and started following the others as they hit the trees sending one final glance in Falene’s direction.

‘If the roles were reversed,’ you thought feeling a wave of regret wash over you. ‘Would Falene leave me behind?’



You knew you had lost your temper before the red coloured your version but now you realized how dire the situation was. You had run, headlong into the fight without even thinking because you were so livid by the injuries Train had received. But now, you’re anger was subsiding and you weren’t running on purely killer instinct. The red was fading away into the corners of your vision at an alarming speed that you weren’t prepared for. Then reality set in and a sharp pain clipped your shoulder. It started out low and then it turned into a piercing pain dropping you to your knees. You rolled out of more gunfire under some brush and, not a moment too soon, your logic came reeling back with an iron vengeance. Run. The thought coursed through your blood and routed itself into your bones. Without a second thought, you rolled to your stomach planting the toes of your shoes firmly into the dirt and took off at a hard sprint as fast as you could move away from the house and the danger.

A Shot in the Dark - Train HeartnetWhere stories live. Discover now