Chapter 5 - Career Woman.

Start from the beginning

(I should go and find her...)

While I am standing in front of Tegemi's office building.

(Ah, what should I do?)

I'm not sure how I will encounter Tegemi, I should have asked her number...

I see her leaving the building heading my way.

She's talking with someone who looks like her staff.

I can only read up their conversation from this far.

"The division chief was late for the meeting?"

Her staff:

"I'm sorry! I told you the wrong time!"

"But the client was left waiting!"

(It looks like something big happen...)

It looks like her staff made a pretty big mistake.

"I'm so sorry! Ms.Mikahara!!"

She listens to her staff quietly.


"I understand, I'll do the presentation in place of the division chief."

"But ma'am."

"Can you prepare the materials for me, you can do that right?"

"R-right ma'am, I'm on it!"

"Don't worry about it, I already memorize all the details I got it all covered."

Just then a soft, bitter smile rises up on her lips.

"You don't have to worry about a thing."

"It's alright, everyone makes mistakes."

"Everyone's following us, so don't worry about it,"

"So could you get everything ready?"

"And make sure you tell the division chief."

"Yes! Thank you so much!"

After that the staff looks down and hurries off.

I watch their whole interaction from a distant.

(She's so cool.)

(Is this what you're like in the office?)

As I'm watching her...


Before I know it, she is standing in front of me.

"Why so sudden? Why did you come all the way here? Did something happen?"

"Ah, no...I mean..."

"I'm just here to deliver this, Rei made it for you."

I hurriedly hand over Rei's lunch box while receiving she looks at me from head to toe.

Her eyes widen, and she smiles gleefully.

"That's not your usual get up?"

"Huh? O-oh!"

"Normally you just wear black V-neck shirt black pants and black sneakers I always wondered if you're in a band or something but now you're wearing a light colored polo shirt, tucked in even with matching black belt kacky pants and leather shoes."

"D-do I look weird?"

"Oh, no! on the contrary you looked human, ehehehe." She giggled.


My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Tegemi Mikahara/ Misaki Fujinaga RouteWhere stories live. Discover now