Vacation 2 (Part 6 )

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We went up to our hotel room to get changed as we were heading out for some fresh seafood for dinner as well as some exploration. Nayeon decided to go with a red dress while I decided to keep it simple wearing a button down collared top and chino shorts while wearing a singlet inside.

"Woah my baby looks so beautiful!" I chimed as she came out of the washroom.

It was a simple dress I bought for her birthday last year before we started dating and I remembered how happy she was when she opened it as she immediately flew into my arms catching me off guard as it was a dress she had been admiring every time I accompanied her to go shopping at the nearby shopping mall since all we could do was just try on clothes for fun.

I saw how beautiful she looked in that dress that day despite not having enough money for it. Back to present day, Nayeon got a shock when I went up to hug her.
"Yah pervert, you scared me!" She whined adorably.
"So?" I replied cheekily as I gave her a kiss. I held her hand as we headed out.

We had a great time during dinner and exploration. The food was amazing, and the nightlife was one of a kind. I didn't tease Nayeon so much unlike earlier on as seeing her happy just melted my heart. My girlfriend was enjoying herself and I couldn't have asked for any more than seeing her uniquely radiant bunny tooth like smile as she glanced at me. "I love you y/n" she said to me as we walked down the night market. I stopped and went in front of her and stared her in the eyes. "I love you too" I said. It felt like the first time I said this to her but my heart was pounding like crazy, my legs were shaking while staring into her eyes as she stared into my eyes. I snapped out of it soon after as I held her hand once more and continued to explore the nightlife that surrounds us.

We came back to the beach we were at earlier on and we just sat at a nearby bench facing the sea. The wind was rather strong as the waves crashed onto the beach. I put my arm around Nayeon as she leaned on my shoulder.
"Yah y/n, thanks for bringing me here. I couldn’t have asked for more." she said.

"Anything for you" I replied as I kissed her forehead.

"I really don't know how much more time we could spend with one another even though we've know each other for 15 years" I added.

15 years is a long time but it felt too fast as our missed chances to confess to one another in high school, our daily strolls to and from school, helping one another in school on top of having her as my best friend. There was a time I served detention for talking back to a teacher and got severely punished for it and for getting into a fight with a pervy dude who made perverted comments of Nayeon.  I got extremely pissed off upon hearing it, I beat the shit out of him and eventually earned myself 1 week of detention. Nayeon waited for me every day at school while I served detention despite me persuading her to go home without me but she stayed every day until I was released. On the last day, I went up to Nayeon and hugged her as I broke down and cried. I was touched by her kind gesture for waiting for me and she decided to treat me to a meal that day just to cheer me up. I confided in her whenever I could as things at home turned from bad to worse for me with my parents’ marriage ending in a divorce at the start of high school while my dad took custody of me as my mum moved elsewhere out of our sight leaving my dad alone to take care of me. Nayeon, being my closest friend, invited me into her home as her parents were very welcoming people and treated me like their own son. She was my pillar of support during those few years where my home life was lonely and she was the only person I could turn to for consultation and she’d listen to me and motivate me whenever I was feeling down.

We sat by the beach in silence with Nayeon leaning on me as the wind was blowing. I kissed Nayeon's forehead and noticed her crying.

"Nayeonie, what's wrong?" I asked as I wiped her tears.

"Y/n ah, thanks for being by my side all along" she said. "I felt so loved by you every time and I just want to be with you for as long as possible, if only we had started dating earlier..." she added.

"Yea I know right? How would we have turned out if I confessed to you sooner" I said.

"By the way, when did you start to like me?" I asked her out of the blue.

She got up and looked at me "Yah pabo, don't spoil the mood" she said as she hit my arm lightly while still crying.

"Oh sorry!" I apologised and hugged her as she continued to cry. I started to realise my feelings for her the day she treated me to that meal and before parting ways she hugged me and told me to stay positive.

Back in present day, I brought Nayeon along for a stroll down the beach as we shared our feelings to one another. A while later, we stopped walking as I went in front of her, held both her hands and looked her in the eyes. "Nayeon, please stay like this, I don't ever want you to change." I said. No one is perfect but it doesn't matter since it's Nayeon as I often tease her big bunny teeth and cute personality especially when we were younger while all she does is make cute angry faces at me until I somehow managed to pacify her. I drew her closer to me and kissed her lips as we stood near the sea. Waves were crashing at our feet as we kissed and I could feel my heart beating faster as I kissed her. We broke off the kiss and smiled at one another. No doubt we are madly in love with one another for sure, and it took us 15 years to get to this stage. Not exactly ideal but it was a good long wait for both of us.

We then strolled back to our hotel room and Nayeon was tired after all the walking.

"Awww the bunny is tired" I teased.

"Yah why did you make me walk so much today" Nayeon cutely complained.

"I just wanted to spend as much time with you as possible" I said.

"Let’s get some rest, we still got another day of exploration tomorrow" I added, knowing that there are places she wanted to go to. "Hehe" she giggled as I kissed her.

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