Forgive Me (Part 3 )

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Exhaustion... I hate it when Im completely exhausted due to my job . My boss was never an understanding one . He probably thought Im a superhuman or something else . Yes , I will be having a charity exhibition in 5 days but my boss said he had to carry forward the event to tomorrow without even giving me a proper reason . I enjoyed carrying out my job but that doesnt mean he can take this opportunity to step on me . I kept silenced because I thought it was my job . I heaved a sigh and got my ass out of my bed and told my assistant to print another whole stack of flyer and distribute it as soon as possible . I returned to working mood as I have completely forgotten about the photography of me and Sana . In fact , I didnt even remember where I put it. I tried really hard to recall it when I thought of that picture all of a sudden . I got panicked and determined to find out that picture but I couldnt just do whatever I want . So , I just let it slide and got back to work instead . I tend to overthink a lot . The loss of that photo caused me to feel that Sana and I are not going to get back together again . God gave us the opportunitu to meet each other again but yet I lost the picture again . Perhaps I really dont deserve to have her back my side .

I tried not to think about Sana as I had to inform all the sponsors about the interchange date of the event . I remembered I told Sana to come over and support my event . I really wished to meet her on that event . Desperate , I wanted to prove her  how much I have changed . I was about give Sana a call and informed her about the event . I was sitting on the fence whether to call her or not . Will she accept my invitation or will she think that Im annoying ? These types of questions kept popping in my mind when I am supposed to concentrate in my work with a peaceful mind . "Fuck it , just call her . She can scold me even if she wants to . God damnit . " I yelled out my thoughts and my phone rang when I was about to pick up the phone . I looked onto the screen and got surprised to see the caller was Sana . I hyped up when Sana was the one who called me first . However , I was concerned at the same time . She might be warning me to stop looking for her but I thought she wouldnt have do that as I know the both of us still love each other . I can feel that sincere feelings between us when I touched her hand at the airport .

I picked up the phone , worrying and curious about what Sana would tell me in a few seconds .

"Y/N ah , I'm sorry because I cant attend your exhibition on Wednesday . I am only free on Monday which is tomorrow ..." Sana said as I can sense the disappointment in her voice .

"Oh that's great ! I was about to call you and inform you that the event was carried forward to tomorrow but you have called me first . So , you are coming right ??" I asked while I raised my eyebrows , waiting for her to reply .

"Oh wow , that's good then . Of course I will be coming , see you tomorrow then ! " Sana replied .

"That's nice . See you tomorrow " I ended up the call as a huge grin appeared on my face . I jumped around the house and I screamed in pain when my feet knocked onto the side of table . "Oh god , I should stop acting like a kid . Jeez ! "

The next day ......

The event took place at Seoul , around Incheon Airport . I arrived at the event location earlier to supervise the workers on setting up the PA system , the tent as well as giving a simple briefing to my subordinates . I advised them to treat the VIPs , attendants and also the cancer patients with well mannered . Their happiness is our priority , I told them .  Moral value is needed in this field . I was never tolerant with those who are rude and do not give people their deserving respect . For your information , I have fired a few subordinates of mine . One of them was fired for assaulting a disaster victim who begged for more food while the another one insulted the disabled for being too clingy with her and kept asking for help . I am a strict person at work . To get your subordinates to obey you , you have to be stern and persistent . That's life . People will take advantage to bully you if you are too soft .

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