Chapter Three: Love at First Bite (Minus the Bite)

Start from the beginning

"Is something going on here?"

They both turned their heads towards Reiji, the second eldest sibling in the Sakamaki family. Rozū yanked her hand out of Lunar's grip and was smiling up at her brother, who could see right through her façade. "Nothing, Ni-san, just dealing with some business." she hooped her arm through Reiji's as he escorted her down the hall.

Lunar could have sworn that when she turned to look at a painting on a wall, she had glanced back at him to smirk.





Lunar sat with his family at dinner. Half-vampires had very fast metabolism, which might explain why Kou is gorging down food and not seeming to earn an enlarged belly. Some half-bloods have this gift, some don't. Lucky for all of them, they do. Specifically Kou, the model of the family.

The man who's eating more than he breathes turns to grin at Lunar when Yuuma secretly stole a piece of his food. He pressed his index finger to his lips that said, say anything and you won't get shit the next time I sneak you out.

Kou's grin faded. "Something wrong?"

Lunar shook his head. "Nah, just thinking."

"Saw you with that Sakamaki chick. Does she have something over your head or whatever?" Yuuma growled between bites of food. Ruki, practically the father of the group since they were all orphans abandoned at a young age, stopped cutting his meal. Even Azusa looked up from his empty plate.

Lunar hesitated. His brother was dangerously close to the truth. Instead he waved it off. "She's just annoying as hell. That, and I have another concert I have to deal with. It's like people can't do anything themselves." He manages to choke out a laugh.

See this is why he's not an actor.

Yuuma only chuckled to himself and looked back at his full plate. "Too bad she's such a bitch from time to time. Though out of the other Sakamakis I find her strangely the mildest."

Azusa's lips tilted upwards at that. Slightly. "She would look better if she threw her insults at me."

Kou shook his head and sat back down, picking up calamari from the dish he held. Lunar stole a piece off of the dish, and Kou gave him a death glare yet resumed eating.

Ruki resumed eating, though Lunar could tell that he was being skeptical.


Knowing that what Lunar said wasn't the truth.

Though as he kept thinking about it, Rozū was annoying as hell. And he did have a concert to deal with.

And a choice to make.


The entire slums could go to hell. They could burn in a pit of fire. They could-


Each blow to his abdomen sent his entire body on fire. His arms were too busy protecting his head, securing it, yet his ribs were as good as broken.

Ruki was screaming somewhere. Probably getting branded.

Lunar and Ruki were blood brothers. Ruki was the oldest by a year. Therefore he got branded first.


Ruki had managed to run the second they released their grip on him, leaving Lunar in the dust. At this point Lunar didn't care. As long as he made it out of here alive.

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