I'll dress as I wish

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I hate people these days. Come on, could you be a bit more open minded?

First, my friends, always telling me what to wear, when to wear it, and how to wear it. Then, my teachers, saying you can't wear this and you can't wear that. Now you, my mom, the one who is supposed to support me and encourage me to be myself is now telling me what I should and should not wear. This is outrageous!

I know your trying your best to understand me, but I know you won't put aside your religion and believes just for me, and you will never let it go.

So, what if I want to dress differently? What if I don't feel like you all expect me to? What if I don't feel like a girl?

I'm tired of this.

I want to cut my hair really really short. I want to wear jeans and a t-shirt for regular occasions, and a bow tie for fancy ones. I want to stop wearing make up and painting my nails. I want to be someone new.

I don't care what my friends think. I don't care what my teachers think. I don't care what you think. I am a boy! I'm a boy and you will learn to love me this way! I will forget about stereotypes and what people expect of me as a girl, and will brake the rules and start thinking about myself.

I want to... No.... WILL change my name to a boy name, and everyone will see me as a boy. I will go to plastic surgery if I have to, but I will be a boy.

I will change the world. I'll make it my task to make it easier for anyone who feels the same way I do. I will teach them how to express how they feel and let go of their worries and just be themselves.

I will be who I want to. I will look how I want to. And even if you don't like it, I WILL dress like I want to.

I am a boyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum