When did it start?

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Good question mom, when DID it start? When did those uncomfortable and uncertain thoughts begin? Yes, those. The ones that told me that this isn't who I am. Well let me tell you, I've been living with them my whole life, I just never listened to them. I trusted you, each time you told me to just "Listen to God" and "Never commit any sins". Well guess what?


I tried so hard to just ignore who I truly am and to push away the voices inside my head that told me that I was born different.

Every single day, I repeated the same lines:
"Maybe it was a defect. Yeah, that's what happened! I was supposed to be a boy, but I was born as a girl".

Until one day, when I finally realized that just wasn't the case. Girls and boys can dress up however they want to. There aren't really boy clothes and girl clothes. There aren't toys just for boys and others just for girls. This is just an idea that society planted into our brains. Think about it! It's absurd! It's so stupid and messed up that our ancestors managed to make something as simple as colors have their own gender. "Pink is for girls".... Well, not anymore

I am a boyWhere stories live. Discover now