7th grade

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I tried so hard to be who I wanted to but it was hard ,not having family accept u for who u believe in your heart u are

Then with school not showing me the respect I wanted bc I never was such a rude person the world made me like this 💯

Then one day in middle school I decided I wanted weave ,box braids to be exact , kids laughed at me it made me sad on the inside I tried to keep my cool & not cry not show the weak side but that failed.

There words got the best of me & won I took my weave out 😪 ,ik y'all probably thinking u dumb bitch why? But u gotta realize I was young I just wanted to fit in

After that school year went by I grew some of my confidence back my 8th grade year I started wearing weave & didn't care what people thought but I still thought I was ugly

Thru the time of my 8th grade year I would get called faggot ,fag, just terrible names

My attitude got worst & I got into a couple fights that summer & I decided I'mma start looking into being gay & Transgender

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