Day 1

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My name is marquez ,but I go by Ciara or tink tbh 😪 let me tell y'all a little about me I'm a transgender female

I grew up around females & older women all my life I barely had a father figure around me to guide me, 😴but I'm not saying nothing's wrong with me I'm proud of the female I became

It all started when I was in elementary School kids would make fun of me for having a body like a girl & of course I was a dude.

But I didn't let that get to me but some days I would ask why ? Why did I get treated like this? Was I not worth it?

I never felt comfortable in boy clothes 💯 it made me feel so werid & ugly I felt I was ugly thru my whole life ,even when people would say u cute ,I didn't believe it I felt in my heart I was ugly

Then when I hit middle school it was hell people was rude & I honestly didn't know what I liked but I knew for a fact I was a girl just in the wrong body .

Then I was in the 7th grade getting bullied & picked on ,made fun of,
But that year I decided I wanted to wear girl clothes ,I got jumped for being who I was .bullied & all u name it 💯

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