Chapter 15: Twinsanity (Reign)

Start from the beginning

"Not bad." Astrid glanced at us before quickly flickering her attention back to Stormfly. "Stormfly, spine shot!" Her Deadly Nadder whipped her tail out toward Astrid, shooting spines right up to her feet. "Well, it's better than last time." We all turned to look at Snotlout as he laughed.

"Hookfang, annihilate!" Without waiting for his rider to get out of the way, Hookfang shot out a ball of fire.


"Meatlug, hug!" The Gronkle launched herself toward her owner and tackled him into the closest thing a dragon could offer for a hug.

"Hmm. That could actually be useful," Hiccup concluded. "Ruff, Tuff, your turn." Everyone looked at the twins, waiting for them to show off what they had come up with.

"Belch, come!"

"Barf, go!" The Zippleback stretched its heads in opposite directions, then hit their heads together, knocking it unconscious. "Barf, sky!"

"Belch, ground!" Each head tried to go in a separate direction, knocking them to the ground. "Ha ha! I win!"

"What do you think you're doing to my dragon?"

"Your dragon? Puh-lease. You've been breathing in Barf's gas again."

"Yeah, so?" The twins were right up in each other's faces at this point, looking as though they were about to tear each other apart.

"Guys, guys!" Hiccup interjected. "Barf and Belch is one dragon. You have to use one signal at a time."

"Good idea. Barf, tackle Tuffnut!" Barf ended up obeying, knocking his head into Tuffnut to send him flying back. "Heh. How was that?"

"I don't think it's what Hiccup-"

"Belch, eat Ruffnut." Belch reached his head down and scooped up Ruff in his mouth, suspending her in the air.

"Uh... ow?"

"Tuff, come on." Tuffnut rolled his eyes and scoffed at us.

"Whatever. Belch, drop Ruffnut." Ruff was gracefully set on the ground as she shuddered.

"I can't work like this."

"Ugh, it's completely unprofessional."

"I'm taking my dragon, and going home."

"You touch that dragon, and I'll-"

"You'll what?" Tuffnut hesitated.

"I'll... I... I don't know. Don't rush me. Just..." He bounced his eyes from his sister to his dragon. "Uh... uh... I'll tell you tomorrow." They both rushed over to Barf and Belch and tried to pull his heads in separate directions.

"Guys, come on," Hiccup sighed. "Stop, please! Leave the dragon out of it. It's over."

"It's over."

"Yeah, it's so over, it's under." The pair stormed away from each other, leaving their dragon completely confused.

"What was that about?" I asked. The twins had never acted like that before.

"Eh, they'll be back."

"You seem pretty confident about that." He shook his head.

"I have bigger things to worry about right now. Come on." We made our way back to his hut as Gobber was yanking a belt tight against Chief Stoick's gut. I looked around, both confused and a little disturbed. "Ah, the ceremonial belt. That time again?"

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