Chapter 9: Dragon Flower (Reign)

Start from the beginning

"It's all mine. I call dibs on everything," Snotlout declared.

"I've got food of all sorts, spices, exotic animals-"

"Ooh, something's moving." Tuffnut moved a little closer to a squirming bag, when it suddenly shot out spines, causing him to jump back to avoid impalement.

"-works of art, jewelry, not to mention knowledge."

"Trader Johann, is this your only book on Botany?"

"Yes, Mister Fishlegs. Why, it was given to me by the author himself." Fishlegs removed a necklace from his pouch.

"Would you accept this necklace? It's made from baby dragons' teeth."

"Fair enough, Mister Fishlegs."

"Ooh, I'm even better looking than I thought," Snotlout preened to his reflection.

"You okay there Gobber?" Astrid asked the Viking as he rubbed some sort of cloth against his face.

"I'm better than okay," he declared. "I'm in heaven!" I turned as Hiccup stood, a jar of ink in his hands.

"Oh, that's pure squid ink, Hiccup. Wrestled from the colossal squid of the Northern waters." Hiccup opened his bag and retrieved one of the items he had to trade.

"Well, how about this spyglass? You know, I made it myself." Johann took it and glanced through the clear glass.

"I know. You've given me five just like it. Unfortunately, I've only got the two eyes. What else have you got?" He handed the spyglass back, and Hiccup removed the next item.

"What do you think of this winch? Eh? It'll help you pull up your gangplank." Johann spun the little wheel in his fingers.

"A welcome tool for a working man's ailing shoulder. Consider it done." Trader Johann moving away revealed Chief Stoick, who was wildly swinging a sword around.

"Wow. Another sword. Just what we need." Hiccup's tone suggested otherwise.

"If you must know, it's not for me. I'm off to my yearly meeting with the Chief of the Shivering Shores. The last man who showed up without a gift left without a head." He said that in a disturbingly chipper tone. "Johann, what will you take in trade?"

"Stoick! It is but your grace I desire when my humble ship passes by Berk." Chief Stoick laughed.

"You'll always be welcome on our shores."

Having concluded his business with Johann, Chief Stoick got off the ship and mounted his Thunderdrum.

"I'll be back in five days," he announced to the crowd. "Oh, what am I saying? I'll be back in two, thanks to Thornado." As if on command, 'Thornado' roared and shot out a sonic boom, causing Hiccup and I to cover our ears. His Thunderdrum was so much rowdier than mine.

"So, you finally named him. Thornado, huh?" I couldn't tell whether Hiccup thought the name was stupid, or that it suited the dragon.

"That's right! Because he has the power of Thor, and the strength of a tornado! Besides, it's the only thing he'll answer to. Turns out, he can be quite stubborn!"

"Can't imagine where he gets that from," Hiccup muttered.

"Look who's talking!" I sassed, grin ever-present on my face.

"Up, Thornado." With that, the Chief took off, heading to this meeting.

"Ah, men riding dragons. What a magnificent sight," Trader Johann marveled, watching as Chief Stoick and Thornado disappeared over the horizon.

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