Another Kitty

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Asuna's P. O.V

I shifted my feet, until I heard my mother's surprising reply.

"That's great Asuna. I can't wait to be a grandmother. Congratulations." She hugged me.

I smiled.

We walked to the dining room, to find everyone playing with the cat. I cleared my throat. "We're back."

The all walked back to their seats quickly, leaving Panda to roam the floor. I went over and picked her up gently as she mewled in protest.

I set her on my lap and gave her some rice and meat that she gratefully excepted.

I ate about half my food and I was done. Everyone except my mother and Kirito wondered why I wasn't eating.

As we were leaving, I said to my mother, "Tell dad im pregnant okay?" She nodded and we got in the car.

Panda fell asleep on me, and I fell asleep aswell.


I felt I was being nudged. I grunted, and opened my eyes. We were in the car, but we were home.

I rubbed my eyes and got out. I was extremely uncomfortable. It may have been i had been asleep in the near for that long, or maybe it was because of the baby. I sighed, and went to go inside.

Right when I got in, I slipped on some pajamas and got in bed.


Kirito's P.O.V

I awoke to Asuna getting out of bed. It seemed late, and when I looked at the clock, it was 1:13 in the morning.

I was pretty sure she was going to the bathroom, or going to get water. So I just went back to sleep.


Asuna's P.O.V

I sat on the couch, and turned the TV to low volume. I wasn't really wanting to sleep right now. Panda sat on my lap and played with a feather has that had come from a pillow.

I stroked her thoroughly, and she released mews of pleasure. She just get lonely sometimes. I would want a playmate of I were a cat..

I thought about it, deciding i would ask in the morning. I picked up my phone from where I left it on the table and texted Keiko.

From Asuna,

Hi Keiko! sorry for doing this so late. I woke up and couldn't exactly go back to bed . So I was wondering, tomorrow when you come over can you bring Pina (The cat) so they can play? I'm pretty sure Panda is getting lonely. Thank you!

I put down my phone. I searched for a movie or show quietly. I decided on Hotel For Dogs. It was a kid movie, but heck. Why should I care?

In a few moments through the movie, my phone gave me a Bing! And I checked it. She had replied saying,

From Keiko,

Sure thing. Pina may be older, but she does love to play. I'm sorry that you can't sleep. I ended up staying up late doing homework for next week so I'm still awake anyways.

From Asuna,

Okay. Thanks again!

I turned off my phone and returned to the movie. Around halfway through I fell asleep. In a way, I was happy about that.

I awoke to the sound of knocking and talking outside.

I got up, leaving Panda on the couch. I heard Kirito moan and get out of bed.

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