2. „Oh. I'm sorry!"

Start from the beginning

Surprisingly no one took their spot and so they sat down again and started talking about everything they could think of.

"So have you seen a cute guy yet?" Lanie asked.

"No and I'm not looking for one. I'm here because you wanted me to come with you and to have fun." Kate answered.

Lanie started to say something but she was interrupted by the sound of drums on the stage.
People started cheering and Lanie stood up. Kate had no idea why but she also stood up.

That's when a girl that Kate didn't recognize came on then stage.

"Oh my god!! That's Anne-Marie." Lanie jumper up and down. Kate had never seen Lanie so excited.

"Who's Anne-Marie?"

Lanie wanted to answer but she was once again interrupted by a loud voice.

"Hey! I'm Anne-Marie and I'm going to sing a few songs for you before you'll see ED SHEERAN!!" The crowd started cheering again and Anne-Marie laughed. "Thank you so much for being here today! It means a lot. My first song is a song that I wrote with Ed Sheeran and it's called '2002'." Again the crowd cheered and Kate just rolled her eyes at the enthusiasm that everybody showed. She seemed to be the only one who didn't know this girl.


A few songs later Kate actually started to enjoy her music. She had a really nice voice and the texts were not bad.
The last song came far to soon for their liking. Anne-Marie said her goodbye and left the stage.

"Wow she was really not that bad. She's really young isn't she?" Kate asked her friend as soon as the crowed calmed down a bit.

"Oh yeah. I think she's 24 or something. I really like her. But now it's time for Ed Sheeran!" Lanie cheered and started jumping. Kate laughed.

"Okay well then I'm going to look for a toilet and I'll be back before Ed starts playing." Kate winked and started walking away but Lanie grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Wait. I just wanted to say thank you again. It means really a lot that you came here with me even though you didn't want to." Kate smiled and pulled her friend into a hug.

"You know what? I'm glad that you convinced me. I'm having a great time with you Lanie. Thank YOU."

They hugged one more time before Kate left in order to look for a toilet.

Half an hour later Kate returned to their spot and plopped down next to her friend who gave her a questioning look. "I'm sorry. The line in front of the toilets was sooo long. Seems like everybody had the same idea to go the toilet before the actual convert starts."

Lanie laughed. "I thought you found a hot guy and you started talking with him." Lanie said which earned a slap on arm from her friend.

"I told you-" Kate stared but Lanie interrupted her. "You're not here to find a boyfriend. I know but Kate it wouldn't hurt to have a date with a nice guy."

Kate ignored that. She doesn't need a boyfriend. She's fine alone. Nobody would want her anyway so why should she try.

Loud cheering brought Kate back to reality
She stood up and look at the stage. Her eyes widened and she couldn't stop the squeal that left her mouth. There, on the stage stood Es Sheeran with his guitar and he was smiling.
Kate looked over to her friend and that's when she noticed that Lanie was crying.

"Lanie ? What's wrong?" Kate asked and Lanie just shook her head.

"Nothing. I'm just so happy!!"

The Night Everything ChangedWhere stories live. Discover now