Chapter 22

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A few girls scream in surprise and I hear some laughter that sounds like it's coming mostly from the guys. "Everybody start making out!" a deep voice yells, prompting giggles and whoops from the crowd.

"No, everybody don't start making out," threatens an exhausted and parental-sounding female, followed quickly by an adult male voice: "We blew a fuse, folks. We'll get a generator going in a few minutes."

But everything's already falling apart. Several couples head toward the moonlight streaming in through the half-open barn door, not willing to wait until the lights and music come back on. Me, on the other hand, I'm just terrified, the only thought running through my head being It's happening...It's happening...It's happening.

"Kieran?" I whisper, panic spreading through me, taking over my voice and forcing my arms to grip him more tightly.

"I'm right here," he says, because I'm acting as if I can't tell he's still holding me.

"Don't let me go, okay?"

"Not a problem." In the faint light, I can see his eyes constrict with confusion. "Are you okay? You seem kind of scared all of a sudden."

"I'm...I'm good." I force a smile. "The lights...just caught me off guard there, I guess."

"Should we leave, you think?"

Yes. Yes, we should, because I don't know what's going to happen if we stay inside this dimly-lit barn-I never dream about what happens after the darkness falls, so I want out into the moonlight as soon as possible.

"Yeah," I breathe, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the light and outside. As we walk down the hill, a line of cars passes us on their way to the main road, people honking and waving at us even though we can't see who's inside. A Malibu pulls up next to us as we're about to turn off from the gravel drive to walk the several yards across the grass to my car, and Lauren's head pops out the lowered window. "Hey-a bunch of us are headed out to the Burger Barn if you guys want to come," she yells, the Burger Barn being the only place around Titusville open twenty-four hours.

"Thanks," I yell back, and Bill accelerates down the drive, Lauren's arm waving to us as they continue to the blacktop. I slip off my heels so I can better walk through the high grass, dropping them next to my rear tire as Kieran leans up against the passenger door. "So, do you want to go meet up with everybody?" he asks, voice low.

Once again, my fear melts into oblivion. I step forward, the ache gnawing at my insides even though I'm not yet touching him. My mind tells me we'd be safer from...whatever's out there if we were with other people, but my heart reminds me the lights went out several minutes ago, and just like at school, nothing's happened. So given the choice between eating burgers and fries with most of the junior and senior classes or taking advantage of some rare alone time with Kieran...

"No," I say, pressing against him. We watch the line of cars until the last one pulls out on the main road. The lights flicker back on in the barn and in seconds, the faint sound of music drifts down to us over the several cars still parked around the property. Whoever's staying is staying, and whoever's decided to leave is gone. I move back from Kieran as far as I need to so I can reach into my purse for my keys.

"I'll get your door for you," Kieran says, but I grab his wrist, stopping him before he can start walking to the driver's side.

"I've got a better idea." I open the passenger door and fling my purse over to the driver's seat before folding the backrest forward. Kieran follows me to the back, shutting the door behind him.

"So," he says, flashing me that grin. "Nice weather we're having, huh?"

"Yeah," I respond, willing to play the "No-I'm not nervous at all" game he's started. "Not too hot, not too cold. Perfect weather for this time of year, really."

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