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When Eunwoo, Lisa, and I got into the car I let out a sigh. I looked out the window, afraid of going home and speaking to my mother and father. Before Eunwoo started the engine, he looked at me and said ,

"My parents probably won't let me stay with you. I'll probably have to go home after I drop you off at your house."

"That sucks" I said, still staring out of the window

"You have to be open minded and willing to forgive, you can't be angry your whole life." He said, as he began to start the engine and drive away from the amusement park's parking lot

"I've already been angry all of my life" I said

"Okay so then make the rest of your life happy. Just hear her out, ok?" He asked

I shrugged my shoulders and continued to stare out of the window at the beautiful sunset. Then suddenly Eunwoo grabbed my hand and held it. My heart began to race and my face became hot. I instantly turned to him and our fingers intertwined.

A loud "aawwww" coming from the backseat ruined the moment. We both looked back at Lisa and laughed.

"You see what we are doing Lisa?" He asked , "I better not see you doing this with anyone." He said looking at her through the rear view mirror

"Okay fine. Only sanha." She said with a evil grin on her face .

"No ! Especially not him." He said seriously .

"Let the girl live." I said laughing , it was cute how he was overprotective of his little sister .

After 30 minutes, we were almost at my house. I became more and more nervous, realizing that I'd actually be face to face with my mom.

"Does your little brother, know about any of this?" Eunwoo asked

"I think my dad told him about me finding moms picture , but I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what happened today." I said

"You should probably give him a call then. He should know." Lisa said

I sighed, "you're right, I always try to protect him since he's still so young."

"How old is he ?" Eunwoo asked

"Thirteen" I replied

"Then he'll be fine but call him now, we're almost there." Eunwoo said

I pulled out my phone and called my little brother, jisung.


"Hey, Jisung. How are you?"

"Hey, I'm fine but where are you ? Dad has been looking for you everywhere."

"Yeah I know. He found me awhile ago but I kinda ran away again, but don't worry he found me again."

"You gotta get better at running away if you're gonna do it so often. Look, I know you were shocked about the whole Mina thing but just forget her who needs her anyway?"

"Yeah I know , we don't need her , but the second time I ran away I saw her at the amusement park before dad found me again."

W-what ? Are you serious ? Did she recognize you or anything ?

"Well it's a long story but I think it's all over the internet by now ."

"Huh ?"

"Listen to me, search her name up and you'll know everything. Just know that I'm on my way home right now, so is dad , and Mina . They are both coming to talk to us so just be mentally prepared ok?"


"Don't worry ok? Everything will be fine. You don't have to forgive her but you do have to atleast hear her out."


"Okay I'll see you soon, bye."

"See you"

Call ended

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