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It has been a week since the funeral and Lucas hasn't contacted me yet. I sighed looking at my phone. "MS. Isabelle." I snapped back to reality. I looked at the student. "Are we doing something today, orr..."

"Uh yess of course. Take your book and start reading page 43." I called. They started whining. I just looked out the window. The bell rang and everyone left. I packed my stuff calmly. Someone knocked at the door. Jaehyun.

"Hi beautiful." I looked at him smiling a little. "How are you?" He asked.

"I'm ok." I said.

"What would you say if we go on a date, tonight?" He asked. I sighed.

"I'm really sorry but I have something to do." I said.

"What could that be?" He asked.

"Making sure someone I really care about is doing fine." I said, looking down.

"Oh a girl friend I see." He smiled.

"No." I looked up. "A man." I left not wanting to know what he thinks. I went to my car and sat down. I breathed in slowly. "God help me." I drove to his place. Lucas's place. I parked in front of his apartment. Walking up the stairs I started feeling nervous. What's wrong? I knocked on his door and waited. No one opened so I started putting the code to open the door when it swings open. I looked up. He looks very sleepy. "Hey, I'm sorry to appear like this but I just wanted to check if you're ok." He just stepped to the side, so I walked in. It was silent. I'm uncomfortable. He sat on the couch and held out his hand. I looked at it confused. He just nod his head. I held his hand and he pulled me to him making me sit on his lap. (Woopps) I didn't know what to do when he suddenly asked.

"Did you miss me?"

I didn't know what to say it's like my tongue grew legs and walked off

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I didn't know what to say it's like my tongue grew legs and walked off. Why am I like this? "I did." I said, shyly.

"Good, I missed you too." He said.

"Why didn't you call?" I asked. Why didn't he?

"I wanted to make sure you missed me too. I was waiting for your call." He mumbled.

"Well I came over so." My stomach started throwing hints of hunger.

"Let's go eat." He said, we stood up. "Let's go on a date." That's it? He doesn't ask? Well I mean I was going anyways. He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. We were walking down the street and he still hasn't left my hand. My heart is going crazy. Do I like him? I stopped thinking. We went into a restaurant and sat down. We ordered and the waiter left. "I'll pay today. I've been working, so it's on me."

"Where do you work?" I asked.

"I'm a magazine designer. It's easy and it's not stressful." I was surprised.

"What magazine?" I asked.

"Vogue Korea." Now I'm surprised.

"Vogue? Wow that's awesome. Congratulations Lucas. I'm really happy for you." He smiled but he didn't genuinely seem happy. "How have you been dealing with life after what happened? Without me." He sighed.

"I don't even know how I'm still here. If it wasn't for you, I would have left already." He said, he looked really serious.

"I'm happy you didn't." I said. "After all, you wouldn't be having a date with this pretty lady." I started looking around.

"Who?" He asked. "After all I'm too Handsome to leave like that." I raised my hand as if I was going to punch him, he didn't even flinch. "I like catching you looking. I like how nervous you get when I get close." I started stuffing my mouth yet again. "But I really hate how you stuff your face to prevent talking." I looked at him and swallowed.

"I don't get nervous. We've been through this." I said. He just chuckled.

"Ok sorry Miss." He said.

After dinner we got home and I instantly fell asleep. Waking up early for school sure isn't easy. I woke up at 4 in the morning from the nightmare again. I sat up and looked to my left where Lucas would be. He wasn't there. I then heard a noise from the kitchen. I stood up and walked there. Lucas was standing there with a bottle in his hand.

He looked up and just stared at me taking another sip

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

He looked up and just stared at me taking another sip. I walked up to him. He smells a lot like alcohol. "How long have you been drinking?"

"When did we get home?" He asked. I took the bottle of him.

"That long? Lucas." I said.

"I feel miserable." He whined, reaching for the bottle, I stretched my arm back. He was now right in front of me, only inches away.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked. I'm sad. Why would he do this? He has been drinking for hours.

"You looked so peaceful."

"You do know this is just another way of killing yourself!" He sighed and reached for the bottle again. I was almost laying on the counter.

"Why do you care?" He asked. He was like a kid. Whining.

"I care! Because I like you." I blurted out. Oh my God! Why did that come out? Where did that come from? He just froze, looking me deep in my eyes.

"Finally." He smiled, he grabbed my face and I felt his lips on mine. No! This is not how I want our first kiss to be! You're not sober! You won't remember! I just closed my eyes and kissed back. I put the bottle down and wrapped my arms around his neck while he held me by my waist. At least I remember.

Don't (Lucas- NCT)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora