So About Last Night...

Start from the beginning

Around the corner, Jiro Kyoka and Momo Yaoyorozu walk into the room.

"Morning, you two!" Kaminari says, before spitting out into the sink.

"That's uncalled for.", Yaoyorozu says trying not to look at him too much.

"Yeah, don't you have a room for that?" Jirou butts in, taking any chance to make fun of her friendly rival.

"Seriously dude, I've been wondering about that...", Kirishima adds to the conversation. "You never just, ya know, brush your teeth in your room?"

"I-it's complicated, alright?!" Kamanari exclaims in a somewhat panicked voice. "We all can't be perfect okay?!"

"But it doesn't have to...okay.", Sero starts to question but gives up on trying.

"And what's so complicated about being hygienic in your bathroom?", Jirou asks, relaxing on one of the couches near Yaoyorozu. Before either of them can get a word in, though, Toru Hagakure and Mina Ashido come into the living area, frantic looks on their faces. Well, at least visibly on Mina.

"Have you guys seen Uraraka?", Hagakure asks with what can only be imagined as a worried look on her face.

"Yeah, she didn't answer when one of the girls told us to get her up a few minutes ago.", Mina adds into the conversation.

"Hm, that's strange...", Yaoyorozu says, her hand cupped around her chin as in a state of thought. "She's one of the few to be quite early than most of us. Has something gotten her a bit down?"

"Most likely, she's just sleeping in, like Sato and Todoroki are.", Mina said, a yawn escaping her mouth.

"Well, don't worry.", Yaoyorozu said, straightening her posture as she got up from one of the couches. "I'll go check in on her once more. Maybe on Midoriya, too. We haven't seen him here yet..."

"So what about Deku? Let him sleep. The less I have to deal with that nerd, the better.", Bakugo spat out in his usual negative remarks towards his childhood friend.

"I'm still going, Bakugo. Like it or not."

"Do whatever you want. I'm gone." The sandy-haired teen left, taking his plate of food with him. As he stalked off to his room, his mind wanders back onto the topic of conversation. 'Round Face and Deku, huh?' the blond thinks to himself. 'They better not be doin' anything stupid...'

"Jeez, what's his deal with Midoriya?", Kirishima asked raising an eyebrow at what just unfolded.

"Who knows? Best to let him be left alone than to stir a hornet's nest if you ask me.", Sero said, eating cereal he just poured while everyone was talking.

Yaoyorozu began to slowly exit whilst everyone was starting to conversate. The Creation Quirk user ran some thoughts through her head as she headed to Midoriya's room since that was the closest. Both Uraraka and Midoriya were missing. Usually, she wouldn't mind too much about this, just wanting to focus on whatever was best suited for her or her mind. But with the way Mina and Hagakure were (maybe in Hagakure's case) looking, they seemed very concerned for the brown-haired girl. Tsuyu Asui, one of Uraraka's closest friends, was asleep, so there was no need to wake her to find the young girl. And again, what would keep Uraraka, let alone Midoriya, resting so late?

The ponytailed girl walked slowly towards his room, careful not to wake anyone on the floor. Yaoyorozu knocks on the door. After only seconds of doing so, she could tell it was his dorm if not by the nameplate, then by a shrill scream on the other side of the door. She heard a bit of shuffling, and then a loud bang on what sounded like the floor.

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