Chapter 4

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"Why were you two inconsiderate students screaming in my hallways like gibbons?" Mr. Hemsworth interrogates after scolding us for about ten minutes. "Do you realize how much of a disruption you two caused? I went to an important meeting this morning, only to come back and hear screeching and impeccably loud running echoing through the building!"

Chase and I stare at the principal as he gives us a lecture about our educational disturbances. When I glanced at the popular boy moments before, he was slumped back against his seat with crossed arms, and I, being the fearful usually-perfect-student, am sitting up straight with my hands resting on my knees.

Speaking of hands, after Mr. Hemsworth finishes his last sentence, I raise my right one up hastily and inform him, "In my defense, that was his screeching."

Immediately a scoff follows my sentence by none other than Chase. "I'm the one screeching? Who was the one breathing like a wild ape on steroids?"

I snort and cross my arms as well. "Well at least I didn't sound like a wailing banshee." I furrow my eyebrows. "Besides, you couldn't hear my panting."  I make sure to correct his choice of words.

He chuckles darkly. "Couldn't hear? Says who? Your 'panting' sounded like a train on nitro!"

"Enough, you two!" Mr. Hemsworth cuts us off with a glare. "I'm sick of listening to you argue!"

I hear Chase scoff from beside me as he turns his head the other direction, not making eye contact with anyone. I roll my eyes at his childish actions before refocusing my gaze on the principal.

"Now," the adult begins, "Explain the reason for your disruptive behavior."

Neither of us answer, knowing full well that if we were to tell the truth, both of us were going to get in serious trouble. One, sexual...favors are prohibited, and if the staff were to find out that students did it within school grounds, they would be suspended. If...done enough, expelled.

Cell phones? Totally not allowed. If you are caught with one in this school, you are immediately accused of cheating. This may be a rich kids school, but your 'privileged' devices are not authorized.

So, just what the hell do we say? We really have no way of explaining this situation without getting into some serious shit.

Mr. Hemsworth turns his furious gaze towards Chase, who is now wearing a teacher's uniform given to him by the school because his clothes from before were drenched in water. "And why exactly were you in the ladies' restroom, Mr. Evans?"

I notice him slightly stiffen at the question. I bite my lip, torn between telling the truth, making something up to make Chase look bad, or to completely deny the situation altogether. Two of the three are awful ideas, especially since one of them will get me into some serious trouble, and that the other will end up bad for me farther down the road when Chase seeks for revenge.

"Sir," I begin, capturing the questioning gaze of Chase as well as the authoritive and demanding gaze of the principal. "I can explain everything."

Chase sits up straighter, panic seeping through him. I glance at him, trying to tell him to not worry about the situation with my eyes, and he kind of relaxes, but I doubt we can communicate through eye contact because we never really talk to each other. 

"Then explain it to me, Miss Vamone," he says while seeping back into his black and comfy looking business chair.

How the hell do I explain this? There is no possible way to pull something out of my ass without making Chase or I look bad. Of course, I don't really care about Chase because he's a complete douche, but he only reacted to my potential blackmail like anyone else would've in his situation...probably. 

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