chapter 1 ~ last day of summer

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Author's note;

Words written in Italic are the thoughts of the character. I think it's better to put it in that way instead of saying 'he/she thought' all the time.

Chapter 1 ~ Last day of summer

"Keith.. Keith.. hey Keith. KEEIITTH!" A 19 year old teenager with light brown hair, woke up with a start, he had difficulties adjusting to the bright light from the open window across his bed. "wussdahurreh," he mumbled, his voice full of sleep and had only one eye open. He finally woke up thank you Lord. "Get up" came the reply. Keith grumbled and turned in his bed. Damn, why won't he just jump out of bed, it will make it so much easier. "No but Keith, I'm serious. Get up" Adam, a 17 year old teenager with dark brown and hazel eyes said. He was bending over Keith, who closed his eyes again which made Adam growl out of frustration shaking his shoulder. I'm losing it, if he won't get up now... I've been trying to wake him up for hours but he'll just go back to sleep. "Keith, get the f*ck up man. It's 1 pm already! Last day of summer, we gotta make the most of it!" Last day of the summer vacation and I get stuck inside on this beautiful day all thanks to Keith.

After a while Keith stretched his arms, yawned and finally sat upright in his bed. He looked at his best friend, Adam, He had known him almost his entire life, they were neighbors. "Last day of summer you said? Don't be so stupid it's still summer in September," Keith said standing up and stretched his entire body. Stupid? Me? which one of us failed their Finals and has to do Senior year all over again? Well.. that's not me. "You know what I mean, School is just around the corner and I won't forgive you if I have to spend the last day of summer vacation inside, besides we're going to be late for an appointment!" Adam said punching him in his arm. "Ouch, stop that!" Keith pushed his best friend towards his door and rubbed his arm gently. He better hurry up. Adam walked across the room to his best friend's wardrobe and opened it. All Keith's clothes were neatly folded inside. It still amaze me, is this really a guy's bedroom? Adam looked around for a moment, His friend's bedroom wasn't messy at all, And his wardrobe is so tidy. He should help me clean my room. Adam grabbed a few clothing and threw it towards Keith. "Hey man, I can do that for myself okay?" Keith said picking up a tshirt from the ground which Adam threw. "Yeaaah, I just figured that I'll help you." Keith stood up again and yawned. Adam grabbed a towel which was hanging from the bedroom door and threw it over Keith's head. "What the-" "Hurry up already!" Adam said pushing Keith through his bedroom to the bathroom, once Keith was inside Adam left and closed the door. "I'll be waiting downstairs for ya, and I don't care if you're still naked after 20 minutes, I'll just drag you outside!" Adam warned.


"What a beautiful summer day!" Keith commented. "Yeah and you wanted to stay inside?" Adam said rolling his eyes. "So where are we going?" Damn, He couldn't be serious right? "Keith, how many times have I told you about that?" "You mean like that double date with those new chicks?" Gosh, is he really this stupid? Adam shook his head, they were walking down the street towards the mall. "Wait... is it today?!" Keith stopped Adam and looked at him frightened. "It's no big deal okay? Please just do this for me," Adam was growing more frustrated with Keith. "I-I don't know man, I mean bro, you-you've seen her right?" You've got to be kidding me, Keith looks like he's really scared. But he promised to do it for me when I saved him from his mom who wanted to go out with him. "Keith, you promised!" Adam said sternly and continued towards the mall. "Hey, Adam wait for me!" Sometimes I feel like I'm the 19 year old and he the 17 year old. Adam rolled his eyes and picked up a faster pace.

When they were close to the mall Keith grabbed Adam's arm and hid behind a car. "WHAT THE-" "Adam please you can't be serious," Keith begged his friend. "Look they're over there! We can't back out now can we?" Adam answer pointing at two girls who were chatting happily near the mall's entrance. "Dude, your chick is like all hot and stuff.. Didn't you see with who she is?!" Keith pressed on. Yeah, to be honest my date Amanda is totally hot. 5'7 dark blond hair and I guess around the 120 lbs. and a cute face whereas Amanda's best friend, I think her name was Mandy was totally opposite. 5'1 brown hair and more that 300 lbs. or something. But Amanda wouldn't go out with me if her best friend wasn't there and stuff so yeah, I may have lied to Keith about Mandy's hotness but he would've done the same.. right? "Come on bro! You promised and you would've done the same!" "Dude you know how scared I am for Mandy. Remember that time?" Adam laughed at the thought of it. Mandy once broke Keith's arm... she fell on him. man that was hilarious. "Stop laughing!" Keith's face went red. "Just one date, One day. okay? Please bro," Adam stopped laughing and looked at Keith seriously. Keith bit his lip, looked from Adam to the girls and back. "pleasseeee, pleaase, pleaseplease." Adam begged pouting his lips. Girls like my puppy face, I wonder how it will work for- "oh please, that puppy face won't work for me. But Fine. I'll do it." Keith said defeated. "OH YES! Let's go!" Adam said excitedly.


"Bro, I'm sorry okay?" Adam said not daring to look at his best friend. They were walking outside the hospital. This wasn't even my fault right? She slipped, I didn't push her. It was an accident. Keith has broken his wrist when once again Mandy slipped, grab hold of Keith's wrist to try to balance herself but instead Keith fell and she too, on top of his arm. Keith's still lucky that he didn't break his whole right arm. "Dude, this was exactly why I was scared the shit out of Mandy." Keith said examining his cast wrist. "I'll make it up to-" Adam began when Keith cut him off. "HELL NO." jeeeez, I must admit, I kinda feel guilty. I should try and cheer him up.. "Look at the bright side!" Adam said smiling at Keith. "Is there a bright side?" He questioned. "At least it's your right wrist, so you can still write normally tomorrow when school- HEY OUCH!" Adam didn't finish his sentence when Keith hit him on the head. Hard.

Authors note; 

Thanks for reading! Please do comment and tell me what you think. This chapter shows the friendship of Adam and Keith, it emphasize that Adam really is a ladies man haha :) I am a girl myself and I have no idea what boys consider to be "hot" and I really don't know how boys think so I hope I've got it (a bit) right. Also I am not American or British so English isn't my native language therefor there maybe (a lot) of grammar or spelling mistakes.

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