"Are you okay ? Look, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't..." said Ranbir.

"It's okay, Ranbir." I cut his words before continued, "I... I need a divorce."

"What ?"

"Ranbir, please. I... I can't handle it anymore. Please..."

"Look, sweetheart. Everything is going to be fine. Trust me."

"I trust you, Ranbir. I just... I just lose hope on myself." I wobbled and continued, "You did your best to help me remember everything but, I just lose all those memories, Ranbir."

I said those words without even looked at him. I can't look at him. I don't have enough courage to look at him. I might have hurt him with all those words but I'd rather let him hurt now than let him hurt forever. Ranbir walked closer to me and hold my hands. He bent down a bit to get a closer look at my face.

"Listen, sweetheart. You are with me. That's more than enough." said Ranbir. His teary eyes reflects everything to me.

"Ranbir, I can't bear to see you like this. You always say everything will be alright but nothing is ever alright. You're always searching for your memory in my eyes and when you don't find it... you try to act as if it's all fine. It's not fine, Ranbir. I've finished read my diaries but nothing came across my mind. Everything is blurry. You try to bring me back my smiles and hide your tears. I can't bear to see you suffer like this, Ranbir..." I slowly freed my hands from his holds and took few step back away from him. I wiped my tears and continued, "I want to see you happy, Ranbir."

"But my happiness is you, Deepika. Divorce is not the best solutions, sweetheart." consoled Ranbir while took a few step closer towards me.

"Ranbir, why can't you understand that I don't remember you ? I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I tried so hard to remember you... but nothing reminds me of you. You deserves a better wife than me, Ranbir. You deserves a better love than mine." I told him. It's really hurts me to see him suffers.

He's too nice for me. What kind of wife that forget her own husband ? I look at him. He didn't wipe his tears this time but he still have that smile in his face. The smile that melts my heart. The smile that makes me feel blush. The same smile that makes me feel guilty. The same smile that makes me feel scared...scared of losing him. Ranbir took my hand and put it on his chest, where his heart rest.

"I know... I know that you've forgotten me. But your heart... I don't believe that your heart have forgotten me, Deepika. I don't think I will ever meet someone that I could really compare to you. I've saw all sorts of people but they can't capture my attention quite the way you can, Deepika. I need you. Only you. Trust me, sweetheart. You'll remember everything one day." said Ranbir.

"And if I can't remember ? What if I can't remember anything at all ?" I asked him the questions that my heart keeps asking me all this time. I looked right into his eyes when I asked him.

"We'll create new memories then..." said Ranbir while wiped my tears. Then, he touches his forehead with mine and continued, "You are my life, Deepika. And without you, there's no life for me. Whatever our tomorrow may be, we'll make it beautiful together. I would rather live in the darkness whole my life than losing you, sweetheart. And if you hate me..."

"Who said that I hate you ? When did I told you that I hate you ?" I asked him as I cupped his face and said, "I love you so much... again."

I feel light in my heart after I confessed it. He was right. I might have forgotten about him but my heart was never forgotten about him. I closer the gap between us and hugged him. I hugged him tightly. He hugged me tightly too and we lost in each other's embraces. Ranbir gave a peck on my neck and then he crushed his lips on mine. I've accepted it with pleasure. I love him. I love my unknown bodyguard...again. We pulled away when we heard someone knocked the door. It was Anisha. She was covering Tara's eyes with her hands.

"I really don't mean to spoilt the moments but Tara said she wants to sleep with both of you." said Anisha. Then, she removed her hands and let Tara entered the room. Anisha smiled at me before she closed the door.

"Mama, I'm sleepy." said Tara while walked like a zombie towards me. She's such a drama queen. I crouched and lifted her up.

"So, my cute monster want to sleep now ?" I asked Tara. She nodded her head.

"Come, let's sleep. Even Papa also feeling sleepy. Mama too, right ?" said Ranbir while smiled at me. I smiled at him back and then, we lie down on the bed and makes Tara sleep between us. We face each other while gently patting Tara to let her sleep.

"I love you so much, sweetheart." whispered Ranbir while looking at me and held my hands.

"I love you too, Bira." I whispered back.

"I love you both too..." murmured Tara. Ranbir and I just smiled looking at her before we closed our eyes and let the night continues. However, after a few seconds, I opened my eyes and look at Ranbir. I just keep staring at his face.

It's not going to be easy. It's going to be really hard. We're going to work really hard on facing whatever will happens tomorrow. We're going to work hard at this every single day but one thing for sure now, I want to do everything with him. I want to face everything with him. I want Ranbir. I just want Ranbir. I want all of him, forever, every day, every second, every moments. You and me... my unknown bodyguard.

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