Chapter 12

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I slowly opened my eyes when I want to turn around and I saw there's no one lying besides me. Then, I looked at the clock. It was three in the morning. I turned around once again to get up from the bed before I could see Ranbir was sleeping on the couch that been placed on the left side of the bed. It was ten steps away from the bed. Ranbir looked uncomfortable slept on the couch. His face seemed restless. His hands keeps grip the pillow and he started to speak, more like asked for help.

"Deepika, no. Don't leave me...Deepika..." mumbled Ranbir.

I quickly get up from the bed and walked toward him. He's delirious. His face became more restless and he called my name endlessly. I don't know why but he seemed to having a nightmare about me. I swiftly knelt besides him and held his hands. His grip was a bit strong but I tried to hold onto his hand.

"R... Ranbir... I'm here..." I said while rubbed his head to make him calm down.

"Don't leave me..." said Ranbir, still delirious.

"I... I won't leave you, Ranbir..."

"Don't leave me, sweetheart..." said Ranbir. His face looked quite calm and his voice becomes more relax than before.

"I won't leave you... Bi... Bira..." I said, still rubbed his head. I don't know why I called him like that but somehow it's makes me comfortable while calling him like that. Then, I rests my head on his hand and sat on the floor with my hand still on his before I fell asleep.

I woke up that morning after I felt someone was caressing my head. I opened my eyes and my view locked at someone face that morning. He was smiling at me. It was Ranbir.

"Why you're slept like this ?" asked Ranbir, weirdly.

"I...last night you were..." I said as I lifted my head from his hand and stroke my neck before continued, "You had a nightmare last night and I just want to calm you down."

"Are you okay ?" asked Ranbir while tried to rubbed my neck.

"It's okay." I stopped him. Then, I get up and walked towards the bathroom but I stopped and turned to him.

"Why you slept on the couch ?"

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable if I sleep besides you. You don't remember me, right ? So I'm worried if you will feel awkward or something..." explained Ranbir while he got up from the couch and walked towards the door.

"Where do you want to go ?" I asked.

"Kitchen. I'll make the breakfast for us. Tara said she wants to eat pancakes with honey." said Ranbir.

"Oh, okay. I'll wake her up after I finished my bath."

"Okay, but she's a very drama queen so waking up Tara is not that easy..." smiled Ranbir before he walked away.

I don't actually get what he's trying to tell me but I continued to take a bath and get ready for that morning. Even though I find everything new because I don't remember anything, I'm actually quite comfortable lived in the house. After I'm ready, I walked out from the room and approached Tara's room. I opened the door and found out that she's still sleeping on the bed. Her room was cute as her. A dash of vintage, a sprinkle of whimsy, a drop of contemporary, pastel wall colour, and easy to reach storage spaces makes her room easy to be clean up. Actually, Tara's room had a plenty of floor space that allows her to freedom move, play and imagine anything inside her room. No wonder she's a smart kid.

"Good morning, Tara..." I said as I wake her up after I sat besides her on the bed. She stretched and turned at me.

"Good morning, Mama..!" smiled Tara. Then, she continued to sleep.

"Wake up, princess..."

"Mama, you're looking so beautiful today. Can I sleep ?"

"Okay, then I'll tell Papa there's no need to make your favourite pancakes because you're not going to have your breakfast." I teased her.

"Pancakes ?" asked Tara excitedly. I nodded my head. Then, she quickly woke up and we tidy up the bed before we went to the bathroom. After we're done, I asked Tara to choose what she want to wear for that day. I opened her small cupboard and asked her to make her choice.

"Which one you want you want to wear, Princess ?" I asked while carried her. She pouted and tap her forefinger on her chin while thinking.

"This one. It's has the same colour like yours." decides Tara.

A simple blue polka dots top with a grey ruffle skirt. I wore a dark blue polka dots t-shirt with a pair of grey denims. Tara just being bubbly by trying to colour synchronised with me. After she's ready, I held her hands and we walked down the stairs. We reached the kitchen and saw Ranbir was busy preparing the breakfast. I put Tara on the chair and sit in front of her.

"Vanilla pancakes with honey for my princess today." said Ranbir while he gave a plate of pancake for Tara.

"Oh, it's so fluffy !" excites Tara before continued, "Papa, have you take your bath ?"

I looked at Ranbir. He looked fresh and he changed his cloth so I assumed he's already took his bath.

"Hug me, princess. You'll know it." said Ranbir before Tara hugged him. Then, he continued, "You and Mama looks cute today."

"I know." said Tara before she continued to eat her breakfast. Ranbir put a glass of milk besides her plate and served me the breakfast. It's just another simple basic French roast with butter and maple syrup. Then, he sat besides me and eat his breakfast.

"Where's everyone ? Mum, Dad and Anisha..." I asked Ranbir.

"They went home last night." said Ranbir while munching his food. I nodded my head and looked at Tara.

"Tara, don't you want to share the pancakes with Mama ?" I asked Tara.

"Sure." replied Tara before she feed me a spoon of pancakes but when I opened my mouth, she feed the pancakes into her mouth.

"Tara..." I said before acted like I'm sulked with her. Ranbir laughed looking at us before he get up.

"Okay, Mama. Sorry..." coax Tara as she tried to feed me again. Actually, the pancakes taste really good. I nodded my head and widen my eyes to show how good it taste when we heard a clicking sound. It's from Ranbir. He stood few steps away from us with a camera on his hands.

"Papa, you took our candy pictures again..." said Tara.

"Candid pictures, princess...not candy pictures." smiled Ranbir. Then, we heard someone pressed the house bell. Ranbir walked towards the door and opened it.

"Hey, bro. Come in." said Ranbir as he hugged a guy who enters the house with a women. They seemed to know each other very well.

"Hello, my cutie-pie !" greeted the women to Tara.

"Kriti Aunty !" said Tara before she quickly hugged the women.

Tara seems happy to meet that women. They looked close with each other. Even Ranbir, don't mind about it. Who is she ?

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