Chapter 15

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(Bonus Chapter)

Ranbir's POV

Falling in love is unlike any other feeling you will have. It incites you, invigorates you, it make you in a state of mind where everything around you is a momentary passing. You find yourself want and waiting to talk to him/her. Wanting to see him/her. And that is when you will see life reward you for all your regrets. In my case, it's Deepika. Since I've met her, I always find myself want and waiting to talk to her. I find myself eagerly wanting to see her. It's true that falling in love is a splendour incased in the heart. It's nice, actually it's wonderful.

I've struggled a lot of times on making Mr. Prakash accepts my love for his daughter but when you really pray for something good with full hearted, God will definitely makes your way easy. After two years of relationship and six months of engagement, the day is finally here. 31st May 2013. I will never forget this date for the rest of my life. It's our wedding day.

Deepika want to have a simple contemporary wedding and I just follow what she wants without argue. I calmly waits for her but when I saw her enters the wedding hall, I won't lie, her presence makes me nervous. She's looking so gorgeous in those simple yet beautiful white wedding dress. Her smile, the way she blushes, her glowing eyes... she's the most beautiful women on this earth ! It's a combination of nerves, awe, and love when I saw her slowly walks towards me with her killer smile plastered on her face. She is the poem that I never knew how to write and this life is the story I've always wanted to tell my children.

You know, the most romantic moments on any wedding day happen between the couple but another sentimental moment happens when parents give their children away. Who would have thought behind a decisive father figure, hidden a father figure who was reluctant to separate with his beloved daughter. However, I've promised, I've promised that I'll never let her missed her parents and I'll never let her forget them.

When Deepika's hands and mine finally joins together for the first time during the ceremony, only God knows my feeling. And then, it's time for exchanging vows. Father D'Souza conducted the traditions. When we make promises to each other, I swear I meant every single things I've said especially to stick around through the good and the bad, until the very end. And when we kissed, I swear I kissed her with full of love, trust, care and respect. It full of lust too but I swear I don't want to lose her.

Then, it's time for our first dance. The first dance as a married couple is heartwarming, uplifting and romantic. We didn't choreographed our dance, we just sway lovingly in each other's arms. I can't stop looking at Deepika. She's beautiful. She's an angel.

"What ?" asked Deepika.

"You're so beautiful." I answered and she smiled.

"Tell me something I don't know, Bira." teased Deepika.

"I love you so much !" I said.

"I love you too." blushed Deepika. Then, she rested her head on my chest. I let her in my embraces for a while before we started to pull everyone to dance. Family, friends even kids.

A wedding is about celebrating love including the love between our parents. When I witness Mum and Dad, Uncle Raj and his wife fondly dancing together, holding hands, sharing tears of joy, I wish my parents were here.

"My parents is your parents now so don't you ever cry, Bira. I'm sure Ma and Pa is happy for us." said Deepika while she encircled her hands on my waist. I smiled and gave a peck on her lips. This women means life for me now.

Before we ended the ceremony, it's time for a wedding toast. Many of them gave such a sweet and nice words but Dad's words really captured my heart.

"Ranbir, my daughter's unknown bodyguard, is now my daughter's husband, my son-in-law, my son... may your love be old-fashioned enough to last forever, but modern enough to survive the times."

And then, hand-in-hand, Deepika and I leave the wedding, ready to conquer our life ahead together.

"Ranbir ?" a voice triggered me and get me out from my deep thought. It's Uncle Raj. He stood besides me and looked at me.

"Yes, uncle." I said while wiped my tears.

"Standing at the balcony, in the night, alone... thinking about Deepika, right ?" asked Uncle Raj. I just smiled at him.

"She still don't remember anything about me, uncle." I said.

"Let God handle it. You just need to pray and trust Deepika." said Uncle Raj. I nodded my head and then, he continued, "You're going to Sydney tomorrow, right ? Last week you didn't visit them and I'm sure Tara going to be very upset if you're not coming there this week."

"Yeah, last week I was busy with your art gallery, remember ?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, son."

"It's okay, uncle. I know how to console my princess."

"Okay, son. I want to sleep now and you should sleep too. You have a morning flight tomorrow, Ranbir."

"Okay, uncle."

"Goodnight, then." said Uncle Raj before he hugged me and then walked out from my room.

Honestly, I missed my wife more than anything ! Can't wait to see her tomorrow and of course, I can't wait to see my adorable little princess Tara.

Author's Notes : How was the chapter anyways ? I'm sucks at playing with emotions so I'm sorry for everything ;)

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