You Meet His Parents (REQUEST)

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You Meet His Parents (REQUEST)

A/N: I totally forget who requested this one, I'm so sorry! Just comment who you are if you did! ~Ashley


Ross: You bite your lip nervously. "Ross?" You say quietly, turning to your boyfriend who at the moment was driving. "Hmm?" He hums, not taking his eyes off the road. "What if your parents don't like me?" Ross sighs, taking your hand in his, one hand still steering the car. "Babe, I've already told you, they'll love you. Just be you." This time, you sigh. "But that's the problem, Ross. What if they don't like "just me"?" You ask warily. "Don't worry, they'll love you." Ross pulls into his parents' house driveway, then pulling the keys of the ignition, jumping out, running to your side to open your door for you. He put out his hand for you to take, helping out of the car. You close your door as Ross leads you up the front steps of his parents' house. He knocks on the door. "Ross!" Stormie exclaims, hugging her son. "Hi Mom," Ross says. He pulls away from the hug. "This is (Y/N), Mom. (Y/N), this is my mom, Stormie." You smile nervously. "Hi Mrs. Lynch, it's so nice to finally meet you." Stormie chuckles a little. "Call me Stormie, hun," she pauses. "C'mon in." She opens the door wider to let you two in. "Ross!" Rydel exclaims, running down the stairs. "Hi Delly," he smiles slightly. "You must be (Y/N)! You're even prettier than Ross described you as!" She turns to you, a bright smile lighting up her face. You blush. "Wanna come upstairs? We can do some girly stuff while we wait for dinner to be done," Rydel purposes to you. You look over at Ross who gives an encouraging smile and a glint in his eyes that says 'go, get to know her.' You smile at him, following Rydel up the stairs to her room.

Riker: "How's everything at the house?" Stormie asks from across the table, referring to the house you and Riker just moved into as all of you eat at a local restaurant. "Good, good," you nod. "Just getting everything in place." Stormie nods, smiling. "(Y/N), right?" You hear from beside Stormie. You turn to see Ryland. "Yeah, that's me," you smile. "Ryland?" Ryland nods, grinning. "Do you watch sports?" He asks. "Ry! She's a girl, dude! She's not into sports!" Riker groans from beside you as his younger brother tries to make conversation with you. "You said I didn't?" You remark, still facing Ryland. "I like hockey." Ryland's face lights up. "Really? What's your favourite team?" He smirks at Riker as Riker just stares at you, jaw dropped. "Hmm, I'm going to have to say... The Red Wings." You answer. Ryland nods. "Did you watch the last game? Those referees had their heads in their ass-" "Aye!" Stormie exclaims. "Language, Ryland!" She pauses. "So any new additions coming soon?" Riker almost chokes on his food, staring wide-eyed at his mom. "Mom!" He exclaims. "Don't scare her! You just met her!" You chuckle. "No, not anytime soon, but maybe in a year or so." You nudge Riker teasingly, making him blush like crazy. "Shut up." He mumbles, making his family chuckle at the two of you. "Anyway," Rydel changes the subject, turning to you, everyone else going into their own conversations. "We should hang at the mall some time, just us girls. To get to know each other better." You nod, smiling." "Yeah. Tomorrow?" "Sounds good." You turn to Riker, who's smiling at you. You're glad it was so easy to get along with his family.

Rocky: "Who said that?" Your boyfriend asks you. "I dunno," you sigh. "I don't think they'll like me though." "What have I already told you? They'll love you." Rocky reassures you again. You two were driving to meet his parents at the park because they had a barbecue planned so they, and the rest of his family, could meet you. You finally arrive at the park, walking toward the family's picnic table. "Rocky's here!" Stormie announces to everyone. "Hi guys," Rocky smiles slightly at his family. "Guys, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Riker, Ross, Rydel, Ryland, my mom Stormie, and my dad, Mark." He points to each of his family members as he says them. You wave slightly. "Hi." You receive a chorus of 'hi's' in return as you sit down. "Ross, right?" You turn to the blonde boy beside you. He nods, mouth full of hot dog. He swallows. "Hi," he smiles. You smile. "Hi," you pause. "Rocky's told me you're the one to flirt a lot, am I right?" Ross smirks at you. "Yeah, he's got that right." He stares at you for a minute. "You're even hotter than he described." His hand flys up to cover his mouth right after those words left it as his cheeks turn a deep shade of pink. "Ross!" Rocky exclaims. "I didn't mean to! I swear!" Ross takes his hand down from his mouth, still smirking at you. You giggle. "Rock, he didn't mean to. Let it go," you look back a your boyfriend who wraps a protective arm around your waist. You turn back to Ross. "Sorry about him," you whisper, making Ross chuckle. "All good," he grins. "Now, talk to me about you." He winks, causing a wide grin to spread across your lips.

Ellington: "You ready yet, (Y/N)?" Ell calls up the staircase. You were finishing up your makeup to look perfect for his parents coming over. "I'll be right down, Ell!" You reply, checking yourself one more time before walking down the stairs. "You look gorgeous," Ell grins, wrapping his arms around your waist. You blush, pushing him away playfully. "No time for goofing around, we have to get ready!" You walk to the kitchen, taking all the plates, forks, knives - and everything else - that you needed to set the dining room table. Ding dong. The doorbell rings, telling you Ell's parents have arrived. The two of you walk to the door, Ell wrapping an arm around your waist. You take a deep breath as he opens it, revealing his parents. "Ellington!" Ratliff's mom beams at her son, bringing him into a hug. "Hey Mom," he blushes slightly as he smiles and leans in for a brief hug then pulls back and motions toward you. "Mom, Dad, this is (Y/N)." They both smile warmly at you. "We've heard so much about you," Cheryl says, making Ell blush. "Mom!" He groans, making you giggle. "Hi," you say, holding out your hand. They both shake it, then you and Ell open the door wider, gesturing for them to come in. You usher them into the dining room, sitting everyone down. "I think now's the perfect time to share some of Ell's childhood stories!" Cheryl says, smiling at you. Ellington groans, making you giggle.

Ryland:  "Don't worry, babe. They'll love you," Ryland murmurs, kissing your forehead, walking you toward the ice rink stands where Stormie and Mark were waiting to meet you. "But Ry, I'll be alone with them," you pause. "It'll be awkward. You know how I am in those situations." Ryland chuckles. "C'mon, they won't bite," he pauses. "And they'll make sure you don't feel uncomfortable." You approach the stands, greeting Stormie and Mark. "I have to go and change and play," Ryland whispers to you, kissing your ear lightly. "But I'll see you soon." He kisses your cheek, then walks down the stands toward the change rooms. "You and Ryland are so cute!" Stormie gushes making you blush. "You really love hom, don't you?" You nod, looking down and smiling. "Yeah," you say. You turn yourhead toward the ice to see Ryland warming up. When he catches your eye, he winks, making you grin widely. You see Ross whisper something in his ear, then he blushes, looking at you again, mouthing 'I love you.' You smile at him. "Aww! You two are the cutest!" Stormie gushes more. After Ryland's hockey game, you meet him at the rink's entrance. "Good game, babe!" You praise your boyfriend, hugging his torso. "Thanks," he chuckles. "Why don't we all go for coffee, yeah?" Stormie purposes as Ryland nods, wrapping an arm around your waist, walking towards the car.

A/N: Hi!

So sorry this took so long to write, my cousin is overr for the week! But I found some time right now to update!

I love you all,

~Ashley xx

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