Chapter 15: They're making babies

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Konohamaru Thought: I'll just leave the paper on the counter. Maybe I should pull a prank on them.

Konohamaru Thought: Nah boss would be mad at me cuz he didnt do it. I wonder how Boruto would react to this

* Drive to the airport *

NARUTO: Your finally here. Did they notice u

Konohamaru: No someone was to busy...

NARUTO: Is somethings wrong do u need to tell me something. Oh i forgot to tell u i cut ties with the Ino's family.

Konohamaru: Well that's good. Um I don't think you'll like this

NARUTO: What is it

Konohamaru: U see when I went to deliver the paper. INO was with this person called SAI. They were...

NARUTO: They were!?

Konohamaru: Making babies

NARUTO: Oh... I didnt know that INO was a whore and a slut. Anyway it time to go

Konohamaru: aye

* Back with INO *

INO: * message * I think we should take it back to my room

SAI: why * panting *

INO: cause Sarada and Boruto are coming back in 5 min

SAI: Okay but I'm not leaving tonight * KISSES *

INO: That fine * moaning *

* 5 min Later *

INO and SAI: * busy making noises *

Sarada: Hey BORUTO u hear that

BORUTO: Hear what?

Sarada: come inside than you'll hear it

BORUTO: .... oh my god

Sarada: They're finally making a baby

BORUTO: I guess so. Let's go back into are room let's not disturb them

Sarada: Right

* Ino *

Sai: Isn't your husband coming back * moaning *

INO: I forgot I locked the door so he can't come back in.

Sai: than let's so it all night

INO: YEAH * moaning *

* SARADA and Boruto *

BORUTO: Damn they're doing it hard. We can hear them all away the mansion

Sarada: Hopefully we can sleep

BORUTO: YEAH we have school tommrow

* Naruto *

Konohamaru: Hey boss are u going to school again

NARUTO: Nah, I don't need it. I already have a Doctorate degree

Konohamaru: ugh, I still have school.

NARUTO: Only 2 more years and you'll graduate from highschool

Konohamaru: 2 more years is alot and beside I think that u should have so bodyguards with u


Konohamaru: Cause tour the most powerfuliest man in the world so people might try to harm u

NARUTO: I haven't thought about that. I'll keep that in mind.

Konohamaru: I'm so smart

NARUTO: Sure keep talking yourself that

Konohamaru: Boss, that hurt coming from u * fake pain in the heart *

NARUTO: Suck it up, your a man

Konohamaru: Yeah I'm a man 

NARUTO: Yet u still don't have any women

Konohamaru: Hey I'm not like u who have women who want to get in your bed

NARUTO: Well I am charming

Konohamaru: Boss I have nothing to say

NARUTO: Wait I'm not charming

Konohamaru: Your so much work than a 5 yr old

NARUTO: Your saying I'm a child

Konohamaru: I'd the shoe fits. Anyways I'm tired I'm going to sleep

NARUTO: * I'm not a child *

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