Chapter Twelve ▫ Movie Night.

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Santana's POV

I slam my locker shut and lean my forehead against the cold metal. I'm beyond exhausted and I only have myself to blame. Last night Brittany and I stayed up for hours talking and planning our next date. She tried to get me to go to bed but I refused and we stayed on the phone until I passed out at four in the morning. I survived school but now I have to survive work and I'm not ready for it.

"Jesus look at her."

"She looks dead."

Rachel and Peyton.

Santana:(Groans and turns around).

Rachel:Thank heavens she's still alive.

Peyton:"Thank heavens?" Rachel please don't ever say that again.

Rachel:Whatever. Santana are you ok?

Santana:I'm so damn tired.

Rachel:How? You texted me that you were going to bed at eleven.

Santana:I was but then-

Peyton:Your little girlfriend came over and sexed you up.


Santana:One she's not my girlfriend. Two the real reason is because she called me to say goodnight and then we just started talking.



Peyton:Hold up. You're telling me she called you to say goodnight instead of texting you?

Santana:(Smiles and nods)It was simple but such a sweet gesture.


Rachel:As sweet as that may be you shouldn't be up that late.

Santana:I know mom and I've learned from my actions.


Peyton:Hey don't you have work?

Santana:Yeah but I have an hour until I need to get there. I was gonna take a nap in my car but I'm afraid if I do I won't wake up.

Rachel:I would be your alarm clock but I have Glee rehearsals.

Santana:Thanks anyway.

Rachel:What about you Peyton? You're free right?

Peyton:I actually have to meet up with someone.



Santana:Oh my god. Is it a girl? Is she cute? Are you guys dating?

Peyton:(Laughs)Calm down. It is a girl. She is incredibly sexy and no we're not dating. We will be once we get a few things out of the way.

Santana:Aww I'm happy for you. Maybe we can go on like a double date sometime.

Peyton:Um maybe but I should get going. I'll see you guys later. (Walks away).

Rachel:Do you think we know who it is?

Santana:Nah you know Peyton. The girl's probably in college or something.


Santana:(Sighs)I should get going. Maybe if I clock in early I can leave early today.

Rachel:If you can make sure you stay awake until a decent time so you aren't up too late.

Santana:Yes mother. See you Berry. (Walks away).

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