Prologue: What the hell just happened?

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AN- Hi there anyone who's reading this! Thanks for finding it worth your time, and I'd like to thank DramioneLover01 for giving me the motivation to get this book off the ground.  Anyways, this chapter will be short because I'm using it so I can get a feel for writing before the book, so I hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: If I owned Harry Potter, Slytherins would not just be the face of evil- We have hearts and souls! (Well, some of us..... can't speak for Tom Riddle)


"Draco, Mate, I need you to come over right now! I need HELP!!!"

                     The scarlet envelope collapsed in flames.

The boy in question gave an amused smirk, before running through things possibly troubling his best mate. He cocked his head quizzically, before standing and vanishing the pile of ashes on the floor. He stretched, laboriously making his way to the fire before scattering floo powder on the flames and stepping in.        

                                                                           * * *  * * *

                      Blaise Zabini paced next to the fire, cursing his bad luck and his best mate, who he now seriously doubted would be showing up. He stepped in front of the fire, mentally adding curse Draco to his list of priorities- suddenly all breath was knocked out of him as someone plowed him over. Inhaling ash as the offender rolled on top of him, he extracted himself from the mess and snorted at the mass of platinum blond hair.

                     "How graceful." 

                      The boy on the floor grabbed the Zabini heir and heaved himself up, sending Blaise crashing to the floor again. 

                       "I try."

                        Blaise stood up and dusted himself off, glaring at Draco.  " Yes. Obviously you tried very hard seeing as you were here  HALF AN HOUR AFTER I SENT THE OWL!  HALF AN HOUR! YOU-"

                         "Interesting as this rant would be, I would rather cut to the chase. Why did you send the owl?"

                      " I- You- Uh- But- I'll just yell at you later. Anyways, you know that.... missing twin my parents told about? Apparently glamour charms come off on our 18th birthday, as well as memory ones..."

                       "Yes... And so what? Your birthday was yesterday. If you called me here just to complain you haven't found her yet, I'm leaving." He took a threatening step towards the fire. "That better not be all."

                         " No, it bloody well isn't all! I wouldn't call you here for something that trivial! I'd go to your place so you couldn't escape. The thing is... The missing twin situation? I think it has something to do with the girl who looks like she's in a coma lying on my bed right now."

                            "WHAT!!! Bloody hell, let me see!"

                            And the ever-so-polite boy plowed over Blaise and ran up the stairs.

*** ***

                                The two stared at the girl on Blaise's bed.

                                 "No bloody way..."

                                   The figure was a perfect image of the Gryffindor Princess, hair spread around her head with a peaceful expression, and though neither would admit it, she looked gorgeous.

                                    Blaise shook his head, astonished.

                                     "Last time I was up here she looked like a female version of me. Not like- well-you know- ummm"

                                       "The beaver?"

                                        "Shut up- What if she hears you?"

                                        " She won't wake, it's magical sleep....." Draco went white for a moment, remembering something.  "Magically induced sleep probably shouldn't have even lasted this long. She'll be waking up soon, and when she wakes up, she'll be mad as a hornet. And we both know what that means- we went to school with her for seven years. You're so lucky- You have a devil as a sister. Hopefully she doesn't decimate your room."

                                          They both stared at the sleeping girl, hoping for the sleep to last a little bit longer. Suddenly she rolled over, and cuddled into the blankets. One sleepy eye cracked open to look at them, before she mumbled a question that silenced any and all retorts the boys could have come up with.

                                            "Do I know you?"                                          

AN- I hope this wasn't a too bad attempt at writing for my first time, but hopefully it'll get better. Anyways, please review to help me hurry along these chapters! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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