Chapter Ten

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Every night, Analisse turned up, every night. Every time I focused hard on Emily and tried to remember our date. My resolve shattered every time. I noticed my work was slacking. I fidgeted endlessly in class and barely wrote any notes. My assignments were getting behind and I was being forced to stay behind after classes. I was only allowed to get lunch then come back to do more work in an empty classroom, occasionally with the teacher. I was spending next to no time with my friends. The only thing I noticed was that neither Analisse nor Cordelio was in classes or there in the cafeteria when I did get to sit there with lunch.

The week dragged but eventually, Friday came about. I fidgeted through each lesson. At lunch, Mr Jenkins allowed me to go get my lunch ten minutes after the lunch bell had rung. I rushed to get to the cafeteria but I was too late, the good stuff was gone. I bought a salmon sandwich and a plum.

"Oi Kylo! Over here!" Randy called as I turned to leave. I spun around to face him then walked over to the table.

"What's up?"

"Practice. You still coming?" I had completely forgotten about it... I felt like I hadn't spoken to anyone in ages. I tried for a smile as I tried to pull myself together.

"Of course. I'll be there." Randy smiled wide and I took that as my cue to leave.

Lunch seemed to fly by but the rest of my classes were also just as slow. When classes finally ended, I went to the changing rooms where the team were getting ready. I changed into my normal gym clothes and followed the team out onto the field. The cheerleaders were in the corner of the field again, practising their routines. I tried to pay no attention as I tried to put my head in the game.

"NO! TIME OUT!" Randy shouted across the field. Everyone, including myself, froze. Randy was glaring in my direction.

"KYLO. WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE? MOVE!" I felt my cheeks flush as I tried to focus properly on what was happening. Coach was watching me in confusion. I tried my best to ignore it and focus. As Randy called more timeouts, I saw the rest of the team start to also lose focus until finally, he called it quits and ended practice forty minutes early.

"Awful. We'll try again next week. We have our first game in a month. Pull it together." Coach said. He stormed off and the rest of the team followed to change, mumbling and moaning as they did so.

"Kylo," Randy stopped me. We were alone on the field now. Even the cheerleaders had gone. "This was awful. I don't understand, you were fine last week. You did great last week! What happened?"

"I don't know..." I felt so guilty. What was wrong with me?

"Pull yourself together, Kylo. Otherwise, you won't get a chance on the team." He stormed off and I collapsed onto the muddy grass. I lay spread out on the grass, looking up at the dark sky. The only light was the lamps around the field but they were so far away that I could see the clouds and the darkness of the sky fine. It was cold but I didn't care. The breeze was welcoming against my cheeks.

Suddenly a shadow came over me. I looked to my left where a figure was standing. I expected Analisse because I hadn't heard footsteps. However, it was Emily. She was smiling sadly at me.

"That didn't go so well then, huh?" She said. I closed my eyes and sighed, feeling the flush again.

"You saw all that?"

"Yeah. I saw that. I was in the bleachers... I was waiting for Randy to take me home."

"He's so mad at me."

"I don't think he's mad... I think he's just confused."

"I've fucked it up, haven't I?"

"No. You have next week to try again and don't forget that you can always practice during the week too. It's never too late to try again." I opened my eyes and looked at her. Emily looked just the same as always. Beautiful. To match she had denim blue jeans and a blue vest top on. She looked gorgeous.

"Is that a double meaning?" I asked with a sad smile. She grimaced.

"Maybe. We haven't had much of a chance either."

"I know. Date tomorrow?"

"Definitely. What time?"

"Four? Band practice tomorrow all morning."

"Sure." Emily hesitated then looked around.

"Shall I just leave you here?" I smiled.

"Yes. Get home."

"You too." She told me as she nudged me with her foot.

"Will do."

Emily walked off and left me alone on the field. I stayed there for only a little while longer then eventually stood up. Emily had gone and I was alone. The night had settled down and it was much darker than it had been before. I left the field to go shower and to get home.

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