Chapter Seven

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When I woke up, it was late in the morning. It was about ten. Analisse was gone and I honestly wasn't sure if I had dreamt the whole thing up. I hoped to God I had. As I was on my way to the kitchen for breakfast, I saw the home phone had left two messages for me. I picked up the phone and listened to them as I got a bowl of cereal.

"Kylo. You always answer the phone. You need to call me. I need to know you're okay. I know you're annoyed with me but I need to know you're okay. If you haven't called me back by tonight, I'm calling the Police." My Mom. I rolled my eyes and went to the next message.

"Kylo, call me back when you get this. I know you're upset and we need to talk about our last conversation. Please. I love you." Rebecca. I put the phone down with a sigh and finished my breakfast. I got dressed in a chequered shirt and denim jeans then tidied around the house. The last thing I needed was my Mom fussing about how I couldn't even look after a house.

I did my homework until it was eventually time to go pick up Emily. I remembered the way so I locked up the house and drove the same route I had taken last Friday to drop her off. She was waiting at the end of the drive, saving me from going all the way up to the house. I noticed she looked really nice, her brown hair had been straightened and she was wearing blue denim jeans with a pink blouse. Folded over her arm was a denim jacket and over her shoulder was a white shoulder bag. She smiled as I pulled over. She got into the passenger seat and buckled in.

"Hey. Right on time."

"Were you waiting long?" I asked her.

"No. I was thinking... We should go to the cinema today. There's this awesome movie out about a British spy and it's supposed to be dead funny. Though if comedies aren't your thing, I think there's a horror about some mad axe killing machine."

"I love comedies," I told her as I drove into town. She smiled again. I loved her smile.

"Me too. Comedians never fail to cheer me up."

Our homes and schools were on the edge of our little town. The main town was the go-to place for everyone. It included the local cinema, diners, a few restaurants, a shopping mall, a bowling alley and a few other bits for pleasure and leisure. It had everything a person would need to live.

I parked the car in the parking lot next to the shopping mall. It meant a five-minute walk but I was fine with that and Emily didn't complain. She was talking about her calculus work.

"God I hate calculus." She muttered as we got to the cinema.

"I hate it too. It's just so complex." I agreed. I held the door open for her and she cast me a smile as she walked in. I followed after.

The cinema lobby was quite packed today. It was a weekend and with not much else to do, the cinema was a great place to spend a day out. I took in the sights of the lobby with its wide desk, its candy counters and the big screens displaying the movies showing, I was in awe. Emily was watching the screens.

"The spy movie is still on. Do you want to watch that?" Emily asked me. I nodded.

"It sounds cool."

"Okay well, it's a fiver each so we can split for the food?" Emily suggested as she took out her purse. I touched her hand to stop her and she looked up at me.

"No. I'll pay. This is my treat."

"You can't pay for everything, Kylo."

"You're not getting a choice. I'm paying. Go have a look at what snacks you want and I'll get the tickets." Emily rolled her eyes.

"You're bossy."

"Yep." I winked at her and strode off to the desk for the tickets. The queue was reasonably short so it was not a long wait. I got the tickets then found Emily. She had a large carton of popcorn, a large cup of Coke and a packet of candy. She winked at me.

"You're WAY too easy to hoodwink." I laughed awkwardly and took the popcorn off her so she wasn't struggling under the weight of all the snacks. We then went to the guy waiting to rip our tickets and direct us. We were in the third screen so we found our seats quickly and sat down.

The movie was actually quite funny. The main actor was hilarious and had the audience in hysterics. I was laughing too alongside Emily. We ate through our food while we watched. As we were sat there, I was a tad bit absent-minded. I was thinking about what Emily had said about hoodwinking. Hadn't I possibly been hoodwinked by the Hayes sisters? If they were even sisters...

I was distracted as Emily pressed into my side. I looked at her to see her doing her best to lean into me, made difficult with the armrest between us. I put my arm around her shoulders and she was content with that.

After the movie, it was about half four.

"We can go somewhere else if you like?" I asked her.

"No, I had best go. I've got a band meeting today at half five so I need to go to that. You could always come though." Emily smiled at me. I could tell she was joking, I was kind of relieved about that.

"I will pass this time around but I WILL drop you off. Where is it happening?"

"My house. My Mom always makes good food and my bandmates love it." Emily laughed. We got into my car and drove off. I drove her home. I stopped at the drive again.

"Today was great." She said to me.

"I agree. We'll have to do this again sometime." Emily smiled.

"I would like that." She unbuckled her seat belt and quickly reached over to kiss my lips. I kissed her back a second delayed, due to my surprise. She smiled and left the car. She stayed and waved me off as I pulled myself together and drove off back to the house again.

I checked every room but found each room empty. I called my Mom as I put fries in the oven and started cooking fried eggs.

"Kylo! Thank you! I was two hours away from calling the Police."

"You're overreacting, Mom. As usual. I was at practice."

"With the football team? What have I said about that being a bad idea?"

"I don't care. I love football, it's a part of me. And Dad always supported my football so why can't you?"

"Oh Kylo for God's sake..."

"Whatever Mom. I'm here, I'm at a new school, I want to do this as I'm making friends. Do whatever you want, think whatever you want. I'm going now." I hung up without saying goodbye.

I ate my dinner in a mood. Trust Mom to make me feel like this after a good day with Emily! I couldn't be bothered to wash the dishes so I just went straight to my bedroom and went on the computer. I watched Youtube until late then got up to go lock the door. As I passed the kitchen, I saw a shadow. My heart jumped up to my throat and I flicked the light on.

 "Hello lover boy." Analisse said, a smile spreading across her face as she leaned against my kitchen counter.

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