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sukima - a technique often used by kendo trainers or samurais; to attack an opening. Needs great amount of patience.

budo - a set of goals/morals for martial artists, one use seems to be a philosophy that goes with an artists' particular style.

bushido - the "warriors' code", or a code of honor among samurai.

seppukku - an arranged suicide for a samurai that reached his limits and has violated bushido.

daimyo - fuedal lord; the next rank above samurai.

daisho - a traditional pair of swords carried by a samurai, consisting of a katana and a wakizashi.

dojo - a training hall or a school for learning a certain art.

jinchuu - earthly justice (also translated as 'revenge')

kanji - perception, feeling; also refers to the Chinese characters used in Japanese writing.

karuta - a set of cards consisting of 100 poems made by Emperor Tenji in early Japan; The Ogura Hundred Poets was completed during the Kamakura period. Fujiwara no Teika compiled them by taking one poem each from 100 of the best poets in chronological order from Emperor Tenji to the Retired Emperor Juntoku to decorate the sliding doors at the Ogura mountain villa, the summer home of the general and poet Utsunomiya Yoritsuna. Many of selected poems were ornamental in nature, because they were meant to be used as decoration. Seventy-nine male poets. Twenty-one female poets

katana - a Japanese blade; thin and light but very sharp. Named parts are kashira, samegawa, tsukamaki, menuki, tsuba, toushin, sageo, saya and kojiri. A weapon used by samurai warriors and yakuzas.

kenjutsu - a martial art; the samurais' practice on using Japanese swords for killing and protecting.

kenshin - devotion, dedication; in kanji it reads as "Heart of Sword"; can also be used as a name for males.

ki/chi - the asian concept of a life force or life spirit; it's mentioned a lot in martial arts related animes.

rounin - a masterless samurai.

ryu - a style; a form of art or a dojo name.

samurai - noble warriors that made history in Japan. They have a fighting spirit and style.

kami - a Japanese name for God; also refers to other kamis such as demons and shinigami.

shinigami - a death god; often seen in fictional animes such as BLEACH and Death Note.




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