Chapter Twelve

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Enjoy and let me know if there's anything I can improve on!

''How the hell do you scramble eggs?''

I turned around and stared at Ryder's concerned face. I was still half asleep, too. I mean it was seven in the morning. But still, his blunt words made me chuckle. ''I don't know,'' I shrugged and pushed him out of the way so I could reach the stove. 

''This isn't going to end well,'' Ryder said, running his hand through his hair.

''Yeah, probably not,'' I turned the stove on and placed a pan over the eye. Now I just had to get the eggs and think back to all of the times I watched my mom cook: then maybe I could figure this shit out. ''Grab me the eggs will ya?''

Ryder stepped over to the fridge and pulled out three dozen eggs. We had a lot of shit to make for twenty people, and we were cutting it close already with such a low amount of food. Looks like I'll have to go shopping again since apparently they're all too good to pick up some groceries.

''Okay so, crack them in the pan...'' I said, my voice obviously showing my uncertainly. It couldn't be too hard to scramble some eggs, right? People do it everyday.

Well I proved myself wrong five seconds later.

''Ryder! What hell are you doing?'' I asked, looking over to see the egg and  its shell in the pan.

''It broke into pieces! It isn't my fault,'' He hissed, trying to get the egg shell out of the pan. It didn't help that he had big fingers.

''That's why you're suppose to be gentle,'' I took an egg and cracked it into the pan without any issues, unlike him.

''That word doesn't exist in my vocabulary,'' Ryder replied, stepping back and letting me take over.

''There are a lot of words that don't exist in your vocabulary.'' He had it coming, what can I say?

Ryder sent me a glare and I smiled sweetly at him before turning back to the eggs. ''Why don't you just make some toast? Think you can handle that without burning it?''

''I think I can,'' Ryder replied sarcastically and walked over to the cabinet for the loaves of bread.

Silence fell over us as we both 'cooked.' A six year could probably do better than this, but honestly Ryder and I weren't really cut out for this shit. Some people just don't belong in the kitchen and it was as simple as that. It was a shame too because most of the time we had to eat those nasty frozen meals or simply order out.

''Where's my son?'' I heard someone yell from the main room.

I turned to Ryder with confusion but all I was met with was his panicked face. ''What?''

''That's my mom!'' He whispered, his eyes darting to the kitchen door. He looked like a scared little kid.

''Uh oh, someone's in trouble,'' I smirked, grabbing his hand and dragging him along behind me against his will. If he wanted to he could easy get away, but I guess he wanted to get it over with now. He knew he was going to be embarrassed either way.

I stepped into the main room with Ryder right on my heels. I smiled at the full room. Boy this was going to be good. Dragging Ryder right up to my side, not letting go of his hand, I waved to the middle aged women. ''Is this your son, by any chance?'' 

''Thanks,'' Ryder sighed in my ear. I smiled sweetly at him again.

''Oh honey!'' She rushed over to him and I was quick to get out of the way.

''Hey mom,'' Ryder said, much less excitedly I'll add.

She hugged him tight and then started pinching his cheeks much to his dismay. I doubled over laughing and I could bet you good money he was glaring at me.

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