Chapter Eleven

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''Would you all shut the hell up?'' Ryder hissed.

You could probably guess where we were: the warehouse. Obviously we weren't going to stroll up to it. There could be people inside for all we know. So, we did what we do best, we drew our guns and snuck up to the back door.

Now we just needed everyone to shut the fuck up so we could tell whether anyone was here.

I waved my hands around to silence them, and leaned into the door. Damien and Ryder were on either side of me with guns pointed at the door. You couldn't ever be too careful even if I was almost positive the Rebels would be no where to be found.

''It's clear,'' I muttered and pushed the door open. My hand flew to my nose as my eyes scanned the blood stained tiles. I hadn't actually gotten to see the mess because Jesse shoved me out the side door, and right now, I was thankful for that.

Gulping, I dropped my hand and moved inside. I stepped over two dead men. The smell was horrible, but I guess that's what happens when dead bodies lay inside a building that was probably a hundred degrees. Florida never gave us a break.

''Here's Cassie,'' Liam said, grabbing both of her legs. I closed my eyes and turned away. Again, I was use to death, but this wasn't something I'd ever unsee. I turned down an aisle and slowly walked down it until I reached the end and looked around the corner.

''Found Ashton,'' I shouted behind me. He was laying in dried blood, his actually, and thankfully he looked like he went peacefully. We all knew that wasn't the case though.

The guys surrounded me and we dragged both Cassie and Ashton out to one of the vans. We got their bikes and didn't waste any time getting out of there either. The place gave me the creeps and hopefully I wasn't the only one.

Now it was time for our people to get a proper burial.


After burying Cassie and Ashton with the guys, I went out to run a few errands. I met up with my best friend, Avery, and now I was back at the club. The whole reason I met with Avery was so I could maybe get some shit off my mind, but it didn't work. All the girl could talk about was her stupid boyfriend.

But I guess it didn't really matter. What was I suppose to say to her? Two people involved in the club died and I think I'm falling for the rival club's leader? Haha. Nope, it didn't work that way.

I stepped inside and tossed my packed bags to the wall.

''What are you doing?''

I looked up to see Ryder sitting on the couch by himself. Of course, a few people were passed out cold on the floor. They never knew when enough was enough. Typical.

''I'm moving in,'' I said.

''What? Why? Something happen?'' Ryder asked.

''Sort of,'' I sighed and walked over to the couch, plopping down on it like I had no more strength in my legs. ''You know my parents don't like you guys.''

''I'm painfully aware,'' he wrapped an arm around me.

''Anyway, they started talking trash about you all again and I had enough. I already wanted to move in so I could be closer. Needless to say, I basically told them to screw off and I snuck back in the house about an hour ago to get my shit.''

''Damn, no you didn't,'' he dragged out.

''Yeah yeah, I know I'm a horrible daughter. But it is what it is. They shouldn't have been talking so badly about you guys. At least now I won't be so stressed. I'll go to school and come right back here,'' I laid my head on his shoulder.

''Sounds like a plan to me. Better hope they don't show up here looking for you though.''

''After the way I talked to them, trust me, they'd be stupid to show their faces around here,'' I sighed. Yeah, I'd miss them, but I needed freedom. I needed to get away from the people who kept constantly putting me down time and time again.

Ryder nodded, hugging me tighter to him. ''Now you can cook for us.''

I fake gagged, shaking my head. ''No can do. I don't cook.''

''Everyone can cook.''

''Can you?'' I challenged.

''I can make toast. That counts,'' Ryder smirked.

''No it doesn't and you know it,'' I playfully nudged him while that smirk stayed on his damn face.

''Whatever. You can learn. Don't want us starving, do you?'' Ryder asked.

I turned on the couch, smiling at him. ''Let's make a deal. I'll give cooking a go if you will too, but we have to start with something easy.''

''Deal. You and I in the kitchen at eight. We're making breakfast for everyone in the morning.''

''I have school, remember?'' I asked, kicking off my shoes.

''Then let's make it seven. You'll have plenty of time to get ready for school. How does that sound?'' Ryder pulled back, looking me in the eye.

''Fine, but you know we're going to make a fool of ourselves,'' I started, ''the President of the club making breakfast with Sage.''

''No shit, it's going to be one hell of a scene. But if I want a home cooked breakfast, I'm sure as hell going to get one,'' standing up, he smirked again. ''My mom owns a bakery ten minutes from here. I guess I should've paid more attention to what she did in the kitchen.''

I laughed despite myself. ''You're a piece of work, you know that? I can't even imagine you cooking.''

''Nothing I haven't heard before,'' he said, ''And we'll see tomorrow. As long as we don't burn the clubhouse down, we're good to go.''

''It's game time, brother.''


You know how when you do something, at the time it doesn't feel wrong, but later on you feel like a complete monster for doing it? Well, that's how I was feeling right about now.

I was kicking myself for talking to my parents the way I had. I never had been one to apologize to people unless I absolutely had to. It had always been awkward to tell someone that I was 'sorry,' but right now that's all I wanted to do as I looked down at the ten missed calls from my parents.

I was shocked they were even trying to get in contact with me after the shit that went down.

I couldn't bare to talk to them right now. Maybe it was for the sake of my pride or maybe I just felt too bad to hear their voices, so I decided to send a text to my mom instead.

'Look, I'm sorry for the way I treated you guys. That wasn't right of me. You didn't deserve it, but I didn't deserve all of the hate and disappointment you both showed towards me and the club. So all I'm going to say is that I apologize and I hope we can move on from this. It doesn't mean I'm coming back home, though. I'm staying here with the guys. Just please, know I'm safe and happy. Don't worry about me,'' I texted.

I reread it and hit send before falling back onto my pillow, thoughts consuming me.

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