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"Dear Amalia,

   I've left the Sadida Kingdom. No, I'm not going back to Emelka. I'm not going to tell you where I'll be. Don't try to get Adami to tell you either. He's given me his word that he won't tell anyone where I've gone. I just need a break from everything that's going. I don't want you to wait for me. I might not grow up. Amalia, I want you to forget I even exist. Find someone who can actually be who you want them to be. Just know, I've left because I don't want to hurt you anymore. 


                                                                                   P.S  Dnalsi Amo."

"What the Sadida does 'Dnalsi Amo' mean?" Amalia asked as she reread the letter

"I know what it means. But Yugo said I couldn't tell you." Adami muttered as Amalia reread the letter again and again

"Since when do you listen to Yugo?"

"Since I gave him my word that I wouldn't tell you where he's gone, or what he's doing."

"Adami. Think about it. Did he tell you what he's doing?"


"What if he's going to hurt himself?"

"He wouldn't do that." Adami replied "Would he?"

"Adami, you need to tell me where he's gone."

"I can't. I gave him my word."

"Give me a hint."

"He gave you a hint." Adami replied "Dnalsi Amo. Is the hint."

"How is Dnalsi Amo a hint!?"

"It just is."

Yugo sat in a cave behind a waterfall, quietly cooking a fish over a fire. He thought back to when he and his friends had been in Oropo's tower.

'I might or might not grow up, but I don't want you to wait for me.'

"I can't turn back now. I don't want her to wait her whole life for me." Yugo thought aloud, tears slowly filling his eyes. "I tried to be like everyone else. I tried to be the way she wanted me to be." Tears fell from his eyes "But I can't be who she needs."


Amalia sat in her room, looking over the letter, when she noticed, writing on the back of the paper.

'I tried to be who you needed me to be, turns out that's harder then sailing a stormy sea. I wanted it to be you and me, the truth is now stinging worse then a sting from a bee. I hope you find someone, but that someone, can't be me.'

"How was I supposed to know, how was I supposed to know Yugo. How was I to know, what was going on inside your mind. What you don't understand is I want you to be that someone." Amalia began to cry "I don't care how much you think we can't be. What matters is that you matter, to me."

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