"Is Dakota awake?"

"Yes i'm here calm down"

I roll my eyes, if it weren't for me we would be late every time mom wasn't home.

First we drop off Emily at daycare, then we all go to Golden Oak, or as I like to call it most days, prison. I park the car and Memphis and Dakota hop out and walk towards a big crowd of kids that sit around in front of the school every morning. I go the opposite direction towards a big tree that I meet my best friend Alison under every morning.

"Hey Georgie!" she waves

Alison and I have been friends since she moved into the house down the road from mine 4 years ago.

"Hey, did you hear-" I stop when I notice she's no longer paying attention to me, instead she is staring behind me. I look over my shoulder and see Theo and 2 other boys joining my brothers.

"Who are they?"

"Those are the new kids I was trying to tell you about"

It's rare for new kids to ever show up at our school. In fact the school hasn't had a new kid in 4 years, and that was Alison.

"Wow. How long do you think until Jenny gets her hands on them?"

Ugh Jenny, the schools head bitch. Every school has one, you know the cheerleader, the one who has money for days, no family issues, the one whos had a crush on your brothers since kindergarten and has blamed you for them not liking her back.

Well maybe not that last one, but it fits in my case. Jenny has hated my guts since Memphis and Dakota both refused to date her back in preschool.

"I don't know, Theo is quiet, not really her type. But I don't know the other two."

Alisons mouth drops open

"You already know one of them? Which one is Theo? How do you know him?" Alison asks all in one breath.

"Yes, the blonde one, and because he started at the ranch yesterday." I can tell shes about to ask more questions but the warning bell for first period goes off. Thank God.

1st period is so boring. World history is easily my least favorite class, the only thing good about it is that Alison is in this class with me.

"In 1845 Texas became the 28th state in the nation. But due to..." The teacher drones on and on in a monotone voice. I swear even siri has more emotion in her voice.

"Georgia? Is there something about 1845 out that window?" Mr. Boring asks

I turn around and face the whiteboard. I can't even understand his handwriting.

2nd period isn't any better, well the teacher is. She's actually pretty nice, but Memphis and Dakota are in this class with me. Which means that they mess with me the entire 90 minutes of that class.

"Stop Memphis." I glare at him while he tries to swipe my notebook. Dakota giggles. He tries to take another grab for it. "Swiper no swiper bitch!" I whisper yell at him and he laughs. Loudly.

"Memphis? Something that funny must be shared." the teacher looks at him expectantly

"Sorry ma'am won't happen again."

I laugh into my hand. Serves him right.

I don't know anyone in my third period class but it is my favorite class. It's an animal class, it teaches you how to take care of animals and how their body works. In the class we have 3 chicken, 2 bunnies, 3 turtles and one bird. The teacher is really cool too, sometimes he brings in his fat french bulldog, who wanders around the class to get scratched.

He passes out a work sheet today that says we are going to begin learning about horses. At least i'll be passing one of my classes.

Finally lunch time.

I walk to my normal table in the cafeteria, to find Alison, Memphis, Dakota, Theo, and two other boys sitting at it.

"Since when did yall eat with us?" I ask Memphis and Dakota. Usually they sit at the big table with their other friends.

"Since today." Memphis says with a mouth full of food

"Gross." I take a seat between Alison and Theo

I let the silence sit for a minute before I decide to break it

"I'm Georgia" I stick my hand out to the other 2 boys

"James" His bright blue eyes contrast against his dark brown hair.

"Alex, but some people call me Al"

"Nobody calls you that" Theo laughs

"New school, new me" Alex shrugs

He shoves his hand threw his black curly hair, like hes trying to force it into staying upwards.

"I'm Alison" she smiles

We continue talking for the rest of lunch, Theo's friends are cool. Right when the bell rings we all stand and throw away the trash.

"See yall around" Alison waves

Memphis and Dakota say their goodbyes breaking off and going to their fourth period. When I start to head to my class I notice Theo, Alex, and James all looking down at their schedules in confusion.

"Yall need help?"

Theo looks up, surprised

"Yeah uh do you know where this class is?" Alex points to his paper

"That's the class i'm heading to, we can walk together"

On the walk to class I ask the boys normal questions that I forgot to ask at lunch like their ages, and what grade their in. They are all 18 and they are in their junior year because they started school late.

"The teacher of this class sucks. All he does is rant." I sigh seeing the old man waiting out in the hallway.

"What do you mean?" Theo laughs

"Like the other day this one girl got a phone call in the middle of class and she asked to take it and he got really pissed off. Spent the whole class period going off about how our generation cant stay away from our phones for more than a minute." I shut up and motion to the boys that this is our class.

"New kids huh? Stand at the front" the teacher says

I laugh as all three of them stand awkwardly at the front, examining the classroom. The teacher goes through the normal embarrassing stuff like names, where their coming from, you get it.

"Well, find a seat boys."

Theo sits down in the seat next to me and James and Alex sit more towards the back. The class passes slowly like normal, when the bell rings we all walk out to the parking lot.

"Georgia hurry up, Ma will be pissed if we're late to pick up Emily again." 

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