Chapter 16: The Drive to The Manor

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Dick pov

I was driving the car since it was the day of the family dinner. I was not happy at all. I had Zell agree to press the button on her watch half-way there and to take the painkillers before pressing it. She didn't argue with me and said she would do as I asked. I still did not want her to do this but she is stubborn. Cippia was staying home with Gus and would bring Gus if the was an emergency.

"They know you own the bookstore."

"Anything else?"

"Damian knows about you renting my apartment to me but I don't think the others do."

"So do we tell them that?"

"It isn't really lying that we live with each other. It just happens to be as neighbors."


I glance over to Zell and the dress she picked for the evening. It was a dark blue lace dress with the shoulders slightly off and stopped at her knees. The sleeves are see-through and end at her wrists. Her hair was in a bun with a few black strands framing her face. She also wore dark blue heels and simple diamond studs. She had only put on natural make-up. On her ring finger, was the ring I got so we could pull this off.

"Where did you get that dress by the way?"

"Oh it was suppose to be for a date."

"Was?", I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Before I even put it on the guy calls and cancels.", she replies with a shurg.

"What? A guy canceled a date with you?"

"Yep, turns out he found a prettier girl to take to that restaurant."

"Wow. His loss."

"If he hadn't we may be dating now and if Damian still picked my name, this would be be very awkward."

"Still is."

"So should I mention the crime fighting?"

"I don't think so. I think they assumed I told you so they might not ask."

"I see..."

"Are you sure you can handle this?"

"Yes. I know I'm meeting Batman.....but I'm meeting his civilian side. Not the Bat side."

"You still scared?"

"Out of my mind but I said I would help you out and I will."

"Well Damian said you were shy around new people so you not talking much due to your fright and pain might make you seem shy."

"There is that."

"Don't worry I'll be right there and if the pain is too much we can leave."


Half way there she takes the painkillers and is about to press the button. I take my right hand off the wheel and grab her left wrist since it didn't have the watch on it.

"Are you sure you have to press it?", I asked in a sad tone of voice.

"It's the only way. Unless you want my powers to go out of control and having the entire Batclan place me in Arkham?"

"No.", I reply as I let go of her wrist and return that hand to the wheel.

I sigh as she presses the button. I could see that it activated right away because she suddenly gave a a pained gasp.

"Do I need to stop the car?"


I frown at her voice. It was so full of pain and she couldn't form a complete sentence. I grit my teeth as we continued on our way.


We made it to the Manor and the meds seemed to have kicked in. She seemed fine but from what I been told, she's good at making it seem like her pain isn't bothering her. I park the car and helped her out, so she didn't have to move as much. I looped an arm around her waist so she could lean on me as needed. I walk her to the door and knock.

"Greetings Master Dick. And this young lady must be Miss Duff.", he says as he opens the door.

"And you must be Alfred. Dick has told me wonderful things about you."

"Oh, has he now?", he asks with a smile.

"Yes. It must take a miracle worker to put up with him and his family.", she smiles back at him.

Alfred chuckles as he lets us in and after closing the door, lead us to the living room the rest of the family was in this time.  Bruce was sitting on the couch with Damian, Tim was in a chair and Jason was leaning near the fireplace.

"Hey guys.", I say with a semi forced smile. I was still seeing my family so I was happy about that just not the circumstances. We just stood in the doorway for now. Alfred left to check on dinner.

"Welcome home chum.", Bruce says as he gets up and walks towards us.

"Thanks Bruce." I reply. He nods his head and looks at Zell.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Duff.", he says with a smile and holds out his hand.

"I-it's a p-pleasure t-to m-meet y-you t-too, M-Mr. W-wayne.", Zell answers with a stutter and shakes his hand with a slight tremor.

I tighten my grip around her waist when I felt her body shake a little.

"Please call me Bruce."

"T-then call m-me Z-zella."

"It's good to see you again Duff.", Damian says as he gets up from the couch.

"H-hello Damian."

Jason gets up and heads over to us. "The name is Jason Todd. And I have got to ask: what is a girl like you doing being engaged to my brother?"

I was about to answer when Zell giggles and answered instead.

"S-simple. I-i b-believe it is c-called b-being e-engaged."

"I think she got you there Jay.", I said with a small laugh.

Jason glares at me while I smirk at him and hug her body closer to mine.

Tim walks over to us and shakes her hand as well. "I'm Tim Drake."

"H-hello T-tim."

We stand chatting a few minutes until Alfred reentered the room. "Sorry for the interruption, but dinner is ready."


Bruce pov (A little bit before Dick and Zella arrive.)

While waiting for Dick and his fiancée to arrive, I was in one of my infamous brooding moods. I did a background check on her but nothing seemed out of place so I can't figure out what is bothering me. She seems like a nice young lady but for some reason I don't really trust her. Maybe I'm just overprotective over Dick. I consider all the boys my sons so maybe that is it.

They arrive and I stand up and greet them. "Welcome home chum."

"Thanks Bruce.", he says. I nod my head then look over at the girl.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Duff.", I say with a smile and hold out my hand.

"I-it's a p-pleasure t-to m-meet y-you, M-Mr. W-wayne.", she answers with a stutter and shakes my hand. I noticed she seemed to be shaking and that Dick tighten his grip on her.

"Please call me Bruce.", I reply.

"T-then call m-me Z-zella."

I watched as she greeted the rest of the family. The whole time, her eyes were hiding something and I couldn't see what. I also noticed that Dick seems reluctant to let go of her. Almost as if she would fall if he did.

Alfred came back in and said dinner was ready. So I guess the real meeting will begin.

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