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"One pancake bacon and banana." I smiled at the waitress who gave me my pancake and then Stoffel his. 

"How can a pancake with bacon and banana together be edible?!" Stoffel is so confused by the fact I chose a pancake with bananas and bacon. 

"That is because one half is with bacon, and one half is with banana, it is not like they have mixed the two things together, look!" I chuckle and show Stoffel my pancake. 

"That explains a lot." I shake my head. This seriously is something only Stoffel could do of the people I know. We talk as we eat and we have the time of our lives. 

"Would you want to have kids?" I ask Stoffel and he nearly chokes. "Do I have to take that as a no?" I insecurely ask since one of the things I want most in this world is to have children of my own. 

"No no no! It wasn't like that, I just didn't expect the question since no one I have ever been on a date with asked me that question on the first date." I blush, shit, stupid move. "But for us, it makes more sense since we have known each other for a whole while longer than I have ever known the other girls. And to answer your question: yes, I want to have kids, eventually, when I have achieved something within Formula One and I can retire so I have all the time of the world for my family." 

"And when would that be?" I grin. "Because since I know you, I'm figuring that might be in ten, years or so?" Stoffel shoots me a glare. 

"It will be when it'll be." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, like you are any more specific now." Now it is his time to grin. "But I guess I'll just have to wait and see." I wink at him and take the last bite of my pancake. "Boy, I am stuffed."

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