Part 12

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| EPISODE 12 |

Episode starts frm shan confront sahil…and THAPADDDD……sahil fell on the floor….sanskar holds his collar….and slaps him again and again and again…

Swashan smiles in between their tears….but their smiles got fadesway soon….

San : what the hell sahil….till how much u ll stoop low…now again a game na with swara…i know this is urs and swaras plan for traping shan and to get money from me….do u think sahil u ll come n say that swara is innocent and i ll ask foregiveness frm her…and u both can get money frm me…

Swara was in full tears….shan clutches his fist….

Sha : sanskar r u in sense…??? How can u even think like this…swara is really innocent bhai…..she doesnt know anything….
San : oh sahil said that swara is innocent nd u believed it…
Sha : bhai….

Sanskar leaves sahil nd came near shan nd cups his face…

San : tum samachthi kyun nahi shan…this swara can trap anyone…nd this sahil he is such a f**k…how can u believe them….they r using u shan….

Shan looks at swara who was fully broken…sahil gets relief nd runs frm there….swara wipes her tears nd runs upstairs….shan looks at sanskar n smiles sadly nd jerks his hands frm his cheeks nd follows swara…..

San : shaannnnnn……!!!!


Swara sits beside the bed nd starts to cry misserably….
Shan came in runningly….nd sees swara crying….he sits beside her nd puts his hand on her shoulder….swara looks up at him nd hugs him nd starts to cry….shan rubs her back….sanskar who came there while follwing shan… sees them nd bangs his hand in wall nd leaves frm there angrily….

Here swara was sobbing continuously….shan cups her face….

Shan : swara plzzzz dont cry when ur frnd is here dont worry….i ll clear this MU nd will make u both one….
Swa : no need shan…
Shan : swara what r u saying….
Swa : yeah shan itna sab hone ki baath bhi he is thinking me as cheater….is this is the love shan….is this is his love than i dont want this love anymore….i ll pay back the pain what he had given to me….
Sha : swara….
Swa : this is my finall decision shan u can leave now….
Sha : swara…..
Swa : shan plzzzz…..
Shan getsup nd leaves the room….swara bolts the room nd starts crying….


shan is breaking all the things in his room…..

Sha : ok swara u have take a decision rite…!!! Than listen also take the decision….that i cant leave u both in middle…i ll confront the truth at anycost nd ll make together that too soon…..

Saying so shan leaves the mansion….

@ after 2 hrs

San : where is shan…i didnt see him after that…

Sanskar calls shan but his no is switched off….

San : switched off…i think again swara ki trap me phas gaya hoga….swaraaaa i wont leave today….he roars nd goes to swara’s room….


Swara was still sobbing….sanskar bangs on the bolted door….swara startled by the sound….she wipes her tears nd goes to open the door….she open the door sanskar came in as a storm….

San : where is shan…????
Swa : i dont know….
San : u dont know ka matlab…
Swa : matlab i dont know where is he bhai tumhare hai na….

Sanskar held her hairs….

San : haan bhai hai meri but i know now he is in ur trap…tell me where is shan….???
Swa : leave my hair….
San : where is shan…???
Swa ( top of her voice ) : i said leave my hairs mr.maheshwari….

Sanskar starled by her nd leaves her….

Swa : i m not that swara anymore who ll bear all ur tortures if u beat me…than i have the guts to beat u….
San : oh so sahil aane baat intini himmat….

Sanskar feels a burning sensation in his cheeks….nd swara is seeing him with red shot eyes….

Swa : dont u dare mr.maheswari…u dont know anything about me…nd u dont have any rights to shout at me nd u know what sanskar today i felt asshamed for loving u…chiiii how can a man be like this….

San : how dare u to slap me…

San raises his hands to slap her again….swara held his hands….there is angry eyelock took place btw them….suddenly they hears shan voice frm downstairs….sanskar jerks her hand nd run downstairs…swara too….

San : shan where were u….i thought u were in danger….

Sanskar says while cuping his face….shan took a mobile frm his pocket…..

Sha : bhai do u know whose….

Before he could cmplt sanskar snatches the phone frm shan nd with teary eyes.. .

San : this is papa’s phone….this is missing frm ten years than how can u get this now…
Sha : garage me….
Swa : shan but uss din ye phone waha nahi hai na….
Sha : haan swara abhi bhi ye waha nahi hai…uss garage owner hai na….just a lil treatment he gave me this mobile….

Sanskar tries to turn on the mobile….

Sha : use some brain bhai…ooh sry u dont use rite…!!!
San : ye masak ki time nahi hai shan…
Sha : i m not joking bhai if u have used ur brain…u have found it long back chodo unsab cheese ko…now coming to the mobile it got damaged ten yrs back than how it ll turn on now..
Swa : than what is the use of this mobile now….
Sha : use hai swara wait a min..

Saying so shan goes to his nd came with his laptop he takes out a memory card frm his pocket….

Shan : this is the memory card of ur papa’s mobile bhai….

He insert it in his lappy nd connect the lappy with tv….

Sha : now see this bhai u ll regret ur doings…may be u can hate urself too….

Saying so shan plays the video it shows dp nd sahil killing rp…
After the video….

Swasanshan was standing in centre….sanskar sits on the sofa with a thud….tears were forming in his eyes for being a mad n torturing his love…swara also having tears….shan came near san…

Sha : bhai see i said…u ll regret for torturing swara…see now what happenes…
San : shan….
Sha : plzzzz bhai u have to speak with swara not with me..

Saying so shan leaves from there….sanskar went near swara….before he could say anything swara slaps him four times n leaves from there runnigly…..


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