Getting Dressed Part 2

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In the last week they had spent every moment together, and as strange is it felt he was still with her after he had left the room, like his energy was a glow that followed and surrounded her. That feeling combined with the fullness of her abdomen made the beating of her heart hurt her chest. It was all so overwhelming. Never could she have imagined that she could be so complete. Holding on to her belly, although it was still hard and flat, she imagined that soon it would be round and her body would be softer. Lost in her thoughts, she was alerted by a feeling that she was not alone.

Turning around slowly she froze and found herself face to face with the nun. She didn't know whether to be frightened, or angry for the intrusion, or curious. Rey noticed that the small creature was holding something in her arms. Waddling over to the stone slab bed, Alcida Alucia gently placed a well folded pile of items. Motioning to approach her, Rey hesitated until the Nun reached out to her.

Looking down at the pile, Alcida Auka began to lay out each item: a long almost white wrap gown trimmed with tiny embroidered purple flowers, a necklace that looked like some sort of pale grey crystal, and last, a thin sheer sheet of fabric. Motioning again, Rey began to take off her thermal clothing. Pulling on the gown, she could have sworn that the creature was smiling at her. It was a bit long, but fit just enough to be suitable. Tying the band around Rey's waist, Alcida Auka gently draped the sheer cloth over her head. Taking Rey's hand, she placed the necklace, squeezing her fingers around it, then she placed her hand on Rey's abdomen and closed her eyes as if she was saying some sort of prayer.

How do you know this is why I came back? Rey thought.

When Alcida Auka opened her eyes they were filled with joy. The Lanai venerated the female mother energy and she was not sure if she could remember a song that told the story of one of the others being with child. The miracle was not lost on the old woman. She could sense many things, like the deep sadness and pain of this young and wild creature, and her loneliness. Alcida Auka could feel that this young female had never had a mother, for she surly only knew how to destroy things rather than mend or heal. She could sense all of that was changing, as the tiny heartbeat grew stronger and stronger, like a bright flashing star in the night sky.

This would be a special child, indeed. Alcida Auka thought to herself. A very important child. A child made from a special love. Letting go, she turned and left.

Standing alone, Rey looked down at herself, not knowing how to feel. She had never owned or wore a dress. Sliding on her grey pants and adjusting the wrap so the split fell in front, she began to feel more comfortable. Like herself. Noticing the details of the fabric, it looked like it had been hand woven but with such precision that it fooled the eye. This was the gown of someone important, maybe from the past? Reaching to tie the necklace around her neck, she felt her breath catch and heard the same swirling voices that she had heard calling to her from the tree. The crystal was alive and it was speaking to her, bonding with her.

I will never be alone....what a gift. She thought to herself. She wouldn't waste a moment longing for a family that would never come back. Maz's words were echoing in her mind as she made her way to the door. The belonging you seek is not behind you, but ahead. Yes, Maz, you were always right.

Carrying the veil, Rey made her way up the steep slope of the temple mountain. 

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