The next one wont !

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This first chap will be  boring but the next wont ...I seriously did this for it to have background check but the next won't. okay another time The next wont IT WON'T okay now doney let's start the bore chap


Many would think that going to school was the worst. Scratch that thought. When you're forced to go to one again when you're already 665 years old is the worst !

I've been asleep since I graduated highschool the 68th time ! The new Council should think of a valid explanation if they don't want me to control their bodies and make them do public suicide in hello kitty costumes.

The wind on my face as I glide using a male skater body to the school was disgusting but being a soul traveller has its assets and cons like every traveller these days .

I watch the human girls marveling on my bare chest and mysterious vibe. I smirk and reminisce how I gave a more extravagant effect with my first body .

"Tyre" a woman meets my eyes with lust as I looked back bored . How boring it is to see such eyes every where you go .

I bit back a laugh when one girl actually had saliva slowly leaving her mouth .I winked at that girl and  she fell to the ground.

I was at my destination after a 60 min. ride after and saw an immaculate school that after 80 seconds of mesmerizing was a total mess. The Beautiful stained glass had holes that surely was made by the time travellers that didn't have landing lessons. A lion was entering the school and chickens were flying out of the windows "A.C. travellers" I heard a voice that was surely an Ob traveller  .

A.C. travellers or Animal Compatible- A type of soul traveller that excels on using animals than people .

Ob traveller  -these are the old and omniscient immortals that always come and go invisible to Observe . Others act like your conscience .Some  exchange information by looking at your memories and give you the answer of the question you want at that time.

The walls that were pure white have become black ,I believe a moody C.C. traveler has done that .

C.C. traveller- A normal immortal that Changes the Color of anything wherever he goes.

I stepped in the building to see a large arrow pointing straight saying 'Gym' I ignored it and looked for the gym via soul inception .The arrow was pointing to a different dimension.


I sigh when the gym was near and spoted four unusual girls they were-

"Hey ! Put a shirt on soullever !"

In my life I've seen immortals use their body for stupid reasons but this is just a different !

"Hey soullever what are you laughing at?!"

was she clueless?

"Shall I enlighten you? " The girls beside her were biting their tongue to keep in the laughter so much that it was literally bleeding.

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