Part 1 - Intro

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Photo credit: domekat_brasil

He took a deep inhale of the cigarette. These Italians know how to make good smoke cigarettes*,  he thought. He looked at the horizon, admiring the buildingscape of Milan. His arrival from Toronto yesterday was uneventful, contrary to the uproar of the start of the convention this morning. The whole cast got more than the warm welcome they expected, swarms of them screaming their names, taking their photos, blowing kisses, and trying to get near. 

He loved all of the attention and tried to show his appreciation as much as he could. He had limited mobility since the weekend, thanks to his failed attempt to a backflip dive in Paris. His broken collarbone was already starting to heal, but he could not get rid of his sling just yet. He blew back kisses, tried to waved his left arm as much as he could, and smiled. He loved the life that came with his job as an actor.

He leaned back against the wall of the balcony, shifting his right arm and shoulder held by the sling. 

"Dom, we have 15 minutes before our panel. You okay there man?" Alberto was walking towards him, his cap covering his black curly hair. "Hey look, Italian paparazzis," he said with a big smile.

Dom turned away from where Alberto was waving. "We will see them again inside," he mused. Not that he does not like being photographed, just uncomfortable being spied from a distance like a prey. 

"Don't worry, they're gone. They must be getting ready for the photo ops," Alberto said stretching his arms up above his head. "It's going to be a long and fun day ahead! You sure you're up for this?" 

Dom smiled at his friend's concern. "Yeah man. Don't fret over me. As long as I don't get mauled by over-eager fans, I'll be fine." He pat his pocket, "Pain-killers at a ready." 

Alberto laughed. "There's no stopping Jace Herondale from getting and spreading all the love he deserves!" He was already walking back to the 2nd floor access door, "I'll see you inside man. I forgot my phone in the lounge area. I better get it before the con starts"." He looked at his watch, "See you in 10 minutes?" 

Dom winked at him, "Won't miss it for the world." 

Alone now, he flicked his cigarette, the ashes falling into the metal ashtray in the middle of the balcony. He took one last inhale and tossed it in. Raising his head, he blew out the smoke, reveling in the cool breeze.

 Yes, it's going to be a long one, he thought. He liked the peace of the morning. Wanting to take as much of it before the main activities start, he walked over to the balcony edge and found a wooden bench to the left. It was behind potted plants, hidden enough from anyone who could wander the main balcony. Leaning back his head onto the wall behind it, he made himself comfortable sitting down with his legs spread wide. 

Five minutes to ground the day, he thought as he closed his eyes.


*Author's Note: The British slang word for cigarettes may be offensive for some people, so I'll not use it here. Google it if you're curious of what it is. 

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