Chapter 6

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Dinner with Dillon and his friends proved to be an interesting affair. Fifteen minutes after we'd placed our order, Aiden and Myrla joined our table. Five minutes after that, Landon, Drake, and Randy appeared.

"You guys found the room to your liking?" Aiden asked once he'd placed his order.

"It's decent."

Myrla's eyes opened wide. Her mouth dropped open with an audible pop.

"What the heck is with you today?" she asked.

I kept my face devoid of emotion and said, "This is who I am, Myrla."

She sighed and shook her head. "You've never been this antagonistic."

Aiden chuckled and patted her left shoulder. "It's fine. I'm liking the fact that she's telling it like it. Like Dillon said not too long ago, it's refreshing." He faced me and smiled. "Sides, way I heard it, the two of you will be here for a few days."

Shocked, I glanced at Myrla. "What?"

Her face turned bright red. "Yeah, I meant to tell you about that."

"Uh-oh," Landon said, snickering with delight. "Trouble in paradise!"

Drake laughed and slid into the nearest chair, grabbing a fabric napkin and snapping it open before settling it across his lap. "That would only apply if they were a couple."

Landon shrugged. "Yeah, well, in this day and age, you never know. They could very well be one, and we wouldn't even know it."

I stared at him in contemplation. "For your information, I don't swing that way. Seriously, though, Myr. What the heck?"

"Can we discuss this later?"


"The two of you do sound like a married couple," Randy quipped.

Aiden chortled. "Makes you wonder what they're like at home."

Myrla grinned at him and winked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I do, actually," he said, grabbing his full glass of water. He knocked it back in one gulp.

"Too bad you're married."

Aiden set the empty glass down. "Yeah, about that."

Myrla's grin disappeared. "Why do I have the feeling you're about to deliver a bomb?"

"Because he is. So, how about I do it for you, Aiden?" I offered Myrla a gentle smile. "He and Katerina are getting a divorce."

Her face blanched. "For real?"

Aiden took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah."


"Stuff . . . just happened. We decided this is the best course of action for us and the kids."

"Adrienne and Kellan are okay with this?"

"No, but what kid would be? Anyway, it's over and done with."

Myrla leaned across the table and grabbed his hand. "You poor thing."

Aiden tugged his hand free of hers. A muscle twitched across his lower jaw.

The waitress approached with our orders, halting the conversation. She distributed the food we'd ordered and nodded with satisfaction. Her ardent gaze lingered on Dillon far longer than it should have, however.

"Thanks," I said, drawing her attention.

Her cheeks turned bright pink. "Don't mention it," she replied, and hurried back to the kitchen.

"You've got yourself an admirer, Dillon," Landon said, popping a piece of sirloin steak into his mouth.

"And you have a big mouth," Dillon shot back.

"At least I tell it like it is."

I grabbed my glass of water and took a sip. "You know, it feels like I'm sitting amongst a group of big babies. Do you guys always treat each other like this?"

"Worse," Aiden stated. "Trust me, you don't want be around for that."

"If this is what it'll always be like, no thanks."

Randy propped his elbows across the edge of the table. "Little Lady can't take the heat."

"It's not that I can't, hon. I could if I wanted to. But what's the point of doing so when you're all gonna do whatever you want anyway?"

He pointed his fork at me. "If we're such big babies, why don't you put us through our paces?"

I smiled and ate a spoonful of my Beef Wellington. "Yes, well, I think we can all agree that I already am."

Dillon smirked at me and ate a whole buttered roll. "Aiden, I've gotta admit that you've found yourself a goldmine."

"Me? You're the one who—"

Myrla sighed. "Mind if we stop bickering and finish dinner? At the rate we're going, we'll be late for the concert."

Drake nodded and picked up his glass of chardonnay. "Here, here. Besides, I really am hungry."

Dillon's eyes met mine. "Dig in. This conversation isn't over, though."

I snorted with derision. "You call this mess we've been having a conversation?"

Myrla reached out and slapped her hand across the back of my head.

"Hey!" I cried, rubbing the sore spot.

She smirked at me. "You deserved it."

"So you say."

My best friend picked up her glass full of Rosé and held it aloft. "You know I love you, Chance," she said, and took a hefty sip of her drink.

I rolled my eyes at her before grinning and looking down at my plate. In my defense, I was having fun with taking the occasional shot at the guys. Granted, I barely knew any of them. The banter between all of us was enlightening, however. It allowed me to learn more about who and what they were. Truth be told, I liked it.

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