[Chapter 4] Wow

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[A/n: Just in case there's any confusion. Wow is the Heart Queen, so I'll be referring to the Heart Queen as him/his/he.]

You are brought to a heart shaped dark castle. Then into a hall where the Heart Queen is sitting on his throne. The Heart Queen comes down his throne to you and investigates you very closely. You look down, feeling intimidated. He puts a finger under your chin and lifts your head to look into your eyes.
"Interesting," he says. Now, he goes with his thumb over your lower lip, slowly. It's as if there is lust in his eyes. He walks back to his throne and gives orders: "Bring it to my room. I have to taste- I mean test if it's a worthy toy."
"It?! Toy?!" You want to protest but you're already pulled away. Two monkeys holding you on each side, bring you to his room. When you enter he's there already, lying on his bed. You stand close to the door, afraid of what he's going to do.
"Come here." He says softly and calm. You don't move an inch so he now pulls you towards him with magic. Suddenly you find yourself lying on his bed. He comes hovering above you on his knees and hands. With his magic he makes sure you can't move. He leans in and you close your eyes out of fear. You feel a warm kiss. It last a few seconds, until the Mad Hatter barges in. Both you and the Heart Queen look at him shocked. He holds out his hand, as if to tell you to take it. While the Heart Queen is distracted, you escape and take his hand. Together you run away out of the heart castle, until you're at a safe distance.

You come to a stop and both catch your breath. The Mad Hatter leans with his hands on his knees.
"That was close."
"How did you find me?"
"The only one who would take you away, is the Heart Queen. And of course I know where he lives." He straightens his back and comes closer to you. "You're lucky you weren't beheaded right away."
"That's his favourite hobby."
"But that's so cruel!"
"The Wowdroid is also his creation, the monster that destroyed most of Wonderland a hundred years ago. And soon he will release it again." The Mad Hatter has a sad look on his face.
"Is there no one who can stop him?"
"The prophecy tells that someone with your name would be able to defeat it." You don't know what to say to this, so you start walking in silence. This time you are in deep thoughts while going to the White Queen. You think about what Hyeim said, about what the Mad Hatter said.

The Y/n they described couldn't be you, right?

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