Chapter One

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~Storm's P.O.V~
  I sat on my bed with my knees to my chest, I had finished reading all the creepypasta's and I finished off with the Jeff the killer story... big mistake because its three a.m.I feel like I'm being watched and I grab my pocket knife, see I know Jeff's story was true because I remember he was my next door neighbor. He was a sweet shy boy and I had a crush on his older brother Liu, who was constantly over here talking to my older brother jean, when his accident happened we were both thirteen. I calmed myself and set my pocket knife down on my bedside cabinet.
It's been five years since he went crazy all I ever hear on the news any more is about murders, I know most of them are from him it saddens me that he turned out like almost angered me. Getting off my bed I walked outta my room to grab a bottled water....I felt an eerie feeling as I walked down stairs.I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge,I went back upstairs checking in my older brothers room seeing he was asleep.I went back to my room and my window was open "oh fuck me man" I say then turn and sprint downstairs to the kitchen to grab a knife. When I entered there was a man raiding my kitchen knife drawer, I grabbed a pan from the counter and bashed it over the man's head. "Ouch mother fucker" he says and I freeze then back away still holding the pan "j-jeff w-what are you doing" I say  making him turn to me.
"Ahh stormy you remembered me" Jeff says and I exam his face....his face didn't look that terrifying like it showed on the creepy pasta did look like that at one point of time but he was only a kid then now he's more a man but he still had that smile and his eyelids are still burnt black but he can blink now. "I see your appreciating my beauty but its time for you to sleep now" he says as he runs  towards me and as he nears me I slam the pan into his face making him go unconscious. I ran up to my brother and started to shake him "jean wake up please Jeff is here"I say shaking him hard then his head rolls off and I scream and sob....making Jeff awake up downstairs because he ran up when he saw me he laughed. "first you take my parents now my brother"I say still sobbing, " I never killed your parents"Jeff says  and I grab a picture off my brothers computer stand. "Oh really you don't recognize these two" I say then he looks at the picture, his smile twitches then he bursts out laughing. I frown then say "I hate you....I have nothing now monster" he snaps his head away from the picture to me.
"I only made them beautiful like me how 'bout I do the same to you " he says and tackles me to the floor,squirming beneath him I move one of my knees straight to his balls. The unnerving thing is eyes widened then he went back to killer mode, he placed knife against my throat.i felt the cool metal slice into my skin it wasn't a deep slice that wouldn't kill me,I close my eyes and push up against him with all my strength "I'm not going out like this" I thought. He only moves the knife away from my neck then holds my face "goodnight storm" he chuckles before slicing my stomach open,the knife point was being dragged against my chest.
The last thing I remember is a sharp pain through my chest,my own screams and sirens coming from the distance,I tried keeping my eyes open I saw jeff leave though my brothers window and I even tried grabbing his pants leg before I blacked out.

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