Chapter 2

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Kate's POV

"Kayden can you calm down, we will find your mate" I said to my friend as Alex came back from camp watch. I still don't get why kayden has not found his mate, he's 19 and your suppose to find your mate at age 16 like I did.

"My turn to go around the border," I said getting up, but before leaving I looked at kayden one more time. His hair was as black as his wolf and his eyes were as orange as the Phoenix's fire.

"Be careful" kayden called.

"If you need any help honey just link us" Alex said as I just nodded and left.

It was no fair that kayden and Alex have their wolves and whatever other part while I have nothing but feelings. I remember someone who had the same thing, my best friend.

All of a sudden I was pushed to the ground and had a knife to my throat. I quickly studied her, but it was hard rather than female because of that cloak.

"A werewolf betraying her kind, your a witch" I growled because I smelt demon all over her, but she just chuckled.

"Well thank you darling a witch does have her hobbies" She chuckled in a sweet and soft familiar voice as she zoned out. When she came back her lips frowned with worry as she looked me up and down.

"Kate?" She asked as I looked stunned at her, but still glared.

"How do you know me?" I growled as She got up and walked away as I still glared at her. "Don't run away you coward" I yelled at me as She turned toward me.

"Until next time my friend, oh and by the way say hi to Alex for me" She waved and with a snap of fingers she was gone.

She is evil. It's time for me to use the spell Erica gave me.

"Alex get your dragon tail down here with kayden's furry one" I said through link as I shut it out and clear and black wings sprout from my back. I flew off the ground circling white sand around, and when I finish there was a star in a circle on the ground. By that time Alex and kayden were watching patiently. I sat on the ground in front of the star sun and started my chant.

"Mistieria Mistieria Mistieria blown" I repeated this louder each and every time. Your probably wondering how a fairy can do this, well my best friend Erica put a spell on me so I can bring her wolf form here. Now your wondering how can she talk in wolf form, well she's part witch, so her wolf form can talk.

All of a sudden there was an explosion of mist and the white wolf appeared. She was taller than I remember, way taller about the size of a full grown horse. She looked at me with sadness and pain and I knew it was our pack and her life. She stood tall anyway, but weirdly she didn't look proud like she usually was. Something must of happened because I haven't seen her in 3 years.

"Kate?" she said stiffly.

"My wonderful witch" I said as I hugged her massive form, but she whimpered and I looked at where I put my hand. There on her fur was a burn, not any burn a demon burn. It had black smoke coming from it and I wanted to ask, but I decided it was a discussion for another time.

"My fantastic fairy" Erica said as she headed toward Alex. "Now Alex you remember me right?" Erica asked as Alex chuckled and hugged her.

"Surely I do" he said as he was pushed and landed on the ground. I was about to growl when I saw it was kayden, he stood in front of her in a protective way. Awww he found his mate and it's Erica omg it's Erica.

"Erica I am kayden and I'm your mate if you can't tell" kayden said as he turned to look at the giant wolf.

"But- but that's not possible" Erica cried as she looked terrified. "He swore to the moon goddess I wasn't allowed, but I've done to bad I can't have a mate I'm too-" but before she could finish I cut her off.

"Where are you? we'll find you" I asked her.

"I'm sorry Kate, you don't want to find me I'm too evil and it's my fault they went extinct. Before I turn back to dust let me fix what I did today" she said as I was confused, but she came to me and licked the cut on my throat from the dagger. It healed quickly as her form blew of in the wind.

"MATE" yelled kayden as I noticed he was losing control over his Phoenix. I quickly ran to him, but it was to late, he already shifted and his black fur turned to fire as he ran off.

I quickly shifted into my grey wolf as wings sprouted from the back of my wolf. I took off running after him as I looked back for Alex. There he was in wolf form and His form was quit unique. It has dragon wings and half looked like a wolf the other half a dragon. His was wonky, but cute and he could fly.

I soon focused on where I was going and off to find kayden. Next thing I knew me, Alex and kayden were in front of a tower that is connected to the demon kings castle. Well......... this isn't good.

*again just writing for the fun of it and yeah. Plus this is going to be a shorter story than usual and stuff. So yeah bye and I hoped you liked it.*


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