Chapter 14

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After the wedding, everyone cleaned up the place and returned to their respective homes, once the couple made their grand leave to Sonic's house. When they got there, they settled down, bathed, and changed back to their original clothes to relax. After all that, they relaxed together on the sofa, snuggling each other as Shadow started talking.

Shadow: Sonic?

Sonic: Yes dear?

Shadow: What would you name the baby?

Sonic: *smiles and turns around to face Shadow* I don't know, maybe we can ask it?

Shadow: *chuckles* Sonic, it can't doesn't understand yet, plus you won't be able to know until it's big enough to give a response. Like a kick or something.

Sonic: *chuckles as well* I know, I just can't wait to meet our little one. We have five months.

Shadow: I know, but maybe around the forth month then we will ask.

Sonic: *chuckles* Alright honey. I love you both so much. *hugs Shadow*

Shadow: *hugs back* We love you too.

After that, the couple went to sleep. As the days passes by, Shadow's pregnancy has also been progressing well with no complications. At the end of the first month, the commander allowed Shadow to wear whatever he feels comfortable of wearing to work, because he knew that the attention he'll get from the people working in the building could stress him up enough, and also because he doesn't want to go through a crazy mood swing. Sometimes, Rouge would also come over to Shadow's office to spend some time him when she's free, and at least give him some company since Sonic can't be with him all the time, especially when he has to keep Eggman from causing too much damage to the city. She would also help Shadow when he has a random mood swing, or when he has a craving. She doesn't mind the extra work for her team leader on a much safer job for his situation, after all, she does still sees him as her friend. Four months has passed by really quickly for the heroes, and as Shadow's due date gets closer, Sonic couldn't help but feel excited for the arrival of his baby. He has already finished his baby's room, and has also prepared everything the couple needs when the time comes. Now he's just spending time with his friends by the park while waiting for Shadow to return from work.

Tails: Hey Sonic, how's life with Shadow?

Sonic: Everything's going perfect, even though we have random mood swings coming in and out from nowhere, we're still doing well, and I for one as a father, can't wait to see my little me!

Knuckles: *chuckles* Of course Sonic. Every father feels the same way when they're having their first baby, and I'm proud to see how far you've come despite the fact that you're growing fast.

Sonic: *chuckles* Yeah, aging sucks, but then again we can't help it. That's just how we all are. Soon my little me will be the next one in line to save Mobius from whoever chooses to be in baldy-mcnosehair's place.

Everybody laughed at what he said.

Amy: Agreed, but I don't think there will be anyone as troublesome as Eggman.

Silver: We never know Amy, but when the time comes, we will.

Scourge: Besides, is anyone else besides me wondering if we should go somewhere else now instead of being like lazy sitting ducks in this park?

Fleetway: Now that you said it, we do need something to do besides sitting here! *starts floating again* Who's up for the beach?!

Everybody laughed and nodded, agreeing that they need to spend sometime relaxing some place else. Before they could go though, Sonic looked towards the GUN building with slight guilt.

Sonic: *sighs* I wish Shadow and Rouge can join us.

Mephiles: *puts a hand on Sonic's shoulder* Don't worry Sonic, I'm sure we can bring them along with us another time.

Meanwhile in GUN base, Shadow was having a slight difficulty standing from his chair. He had just finished with some documents and wants to take them to the commander, but the baby seems to be interfering as he tried to stand. It keeps moving when he tried to stand, which causes some pain to Shadow. Shadow sighed as he rubbed his swollen belly to sooth the pain and the baby.

Shadow: What's wrong baby? I need to do my work. These documents are important and I can't have them delayed.

Just then, there was a knock on the door and Rouge came in with a usual smile on her face.

Rouge: Need some help hun~?

Shadow: *sighs* Yes, the baby won't let me stand up so can you help pass these to the commander?

Rouge: *giggles as she collected the documents* Of course hun~. I'm sure the commander will understand.

Shadow: I sure hope so. *sighs* Office jobs are boring. I don't understand how people and mobians who work in such places even stand to sit on the same chair for a good few hours without moving much.

Rouge chuckles as she about to leave the room, turning back to him before leaving.

Rouge: Make sure not to overwork yourself! We don't want you to struggle with your first pregnancy~. *closes the door behind her gently*

After that, Shadow continued to work until he was finally able to go home. However, the baby couldn't seem to cooperate and started giving Shadow a hard time to walk on his own. Rouge noticed while she was walking with nothing to do, and decided to help him with one arm, and the other to call Sonic so he could fetch his heavily pregnant mate.

Rouge's phone (Sonic): Hey Rouge, what's up?

Rouge: Shadow needs help getting home. I think the baby misses you. It couldn't stop moving around like you. *smiles*

Sonic: *chuckles* Alright, I'll be there in a few.

And Sonic hang up, not needed to told anything else. Shadow held his swollen belly as they continued making their way down with the elevator, and he was panting lightly as they continued to walk. Rouge took it slow for him, and once they reached the entrance of GUN base, Sonic immediately ran to his side and took over from there. Gently carrying his mate bridal style.

Sonic: Thanks Rouge, see ya!

And he starts running off, but at a slow pace for Shadow's sake.

Rouge: *waves her hand* Bye Sonic and Shadow! You take care now~!

Sorry it took so long guys. The finals were really tough and I had a hard time relaxing. Hope you enjoyed anyways! Bye!!

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