Chapter 9

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Shadow didn't know how to react, he was both happy and worried about this. He is happy that he's pregnant, but he's worried that the child will have Sonic transformation, so he decided to tell Sonic the news. He went down to the kitchen, and smelt some really delicious other then chili dogs. It was Pasta and Chicken soap. Sonic was happily cooking as he prepared his and Shadow's meal, but once he saw Shadow at the door with the test in hand, he immediately lowered the stove so he could go and talk.

Sonic: So? What did it say?

Shadow: ...Positive.

Sonic: *gasps and gently takes the test from Shadow hands, and started tearing up from looking at the results before bringing Shadow into a huge hug* That's the best news I've heard all day, and don't worry, I'll always be here for you when you need me.

Shadow: *stays silent for a while before hugging back with a smile* Okay, I love you.

Sonic: I love you too honey. *kisses his forehead*

The next day, Shadow went back to work, and started heading to the commander's office to tell him the news as promised. As he was walking, Rouge came along and saw disbelief in his eyes, so she wanted to know what happened.

Rouge: Hey hun~ What happened? You looked like you have just discovered something rather interesting.

Shadow: ...I'll tell you soon Rouge, but right now I have to talk to the commander.

Rouge: Alright hun~ See you later then.

As Shadow continued to walk, secretly followed behind to find out what Shadow wanted to tell the commander, she knew what he's going to talk to him about, but she just wanted to find out what the result was. Once Shadow entered the office, the commander already knew what he was here for, so he stopped what he was doing and focused at the slight problem with his agent.

Commander: So...what was the result?

Shadow: ...It said positive,'s official that I'm expecting.

Commander: Alright, then here's your office from now on. *holds out a key with a tag on it and Shadow takes it* It shall be yours until the due date. Do not worry about your missions, Topaz has offered to take over your place for Team Dark, she can cope well with teammates for sure.

Shadow: Thank you sir, I'll be on my way then.

Commander: Sure, and take care of yourself Agent Shadow.

As Shadow walked out of the office, Rouge immediate stopped him in his tracks. Shadow didn't know why Rouge did, but when he saw the delightful disbelief look on her face, he already knew what that meant and sighed.

Shadow: You heard everything didn't you?

Rouge: Why of course hun~! And I can't believe it! You're gonna have a baby! *voice echos around the base* (0 0''')

Shadow: (> <) ROUGE!!! You didn't have to do that!

Rouge: Sorry hun~! I just couldn't hold it in! You're gonna have a family! Oh I couldn't to meet the little one~

Shadow: *face palms* Rouge...

The whole base was filled with shock when they heard what Rouge just screamed out in excitement, but they also have to admit that they are also happy to see that their well known agent has decided to start something new in life, so they respect him and just gave him the space he needs for the changes that are happening from now on until the due date. As Shadow was walking down a hallway, he started noticing the people giving him more space to move around. Shadow could understand their behavior, but he doesn't understand why they had to help now. Not that he had anything against them about what they're doing, but it just seems a little weird that they had to move things around now when he's only in his early stages of pregnancy, but he figured that they might be doing it now so they wouldn't forget in future, when serious things will happen if they don't be careful, so he just smiled at them as he passed them, appreciating their help.

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