Taking a break

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     Writer-Chan:Heya guys I am really enjoying writing this book and I hope your enjoying reading it and if you have suggestions please go ahead! :3 well back to writing.

🧣Original Papyrus P.O.V🧣

      "SANS WHERE ARE YOU!" I scream as I cry. "Please come back it has been 1 week!" I screamed and cry even more (somehow even though skeletons don't have eyes). I hear a door creaking. "SANS IS THAT YOU?" I shout into the fog. "No, my name is blue berry!" Shouted the voice in the fog.

     I run off I cannot risk any danger because now I know Sans is not here to protect me.

💔Blue's P.O.V💔

   I hear footsteps someone is running away probably that voice that was shouting for Sans I will get him/Her later. "Hello~?" I shout into the fog. I continue walking on and come upon a bridge with bars that will stop no one, so I walk through them. I walk till I see a box next to a yellow star.

     I click the yellow star. -Killing Toriel and gaining levels fills you with TAINTED DETERMINATION- then 2 buttons appear *SAVE* or *BACK*. I click *SAVE* and it replies. -File Saved- "Heh I see you found a save file Blue." Said Chara. "Yes I did now I am going home so,BAI!" I Said opening a portal to my room. "Heh funny thing is once you start to kill monsters here I am stuck with you!" Chara Said following me into my room. "Whatever, maybe you and Frisk can be friends!" I Said as I layed down in my bed.

"Really Frisk is not a ghost like me and will b-" "Really Blue you brought a idiot with you?" Frisk asked. "No since I went to Undertale and killed monsters she is stuck with me!" I Said very unhappily.

"Oh" Said Frisk. "I am going to visit Error and see how he is doing." I Said as I teleported to the basement and saw he was sleeping. "Wakie wakie~" I Said smiling. "Huh....Ink I had the weirdest dream, blue kidnapped me and killed his brother it was so wei-" he saw me with red eyes and stoped dead in his sentence. "Oh.... your back...." He said. All I did was smile.

❤️💜🧡💛💚💙Ink's P.O.V💙💚💛🧡💜❤️

      "Finally I finished! A new universe! I will name it......Reapertale!" I said happily because it took forever to make this universe. "Though I am bored and alone....I know! I will visit Error in the antivoid!" I Said as I went to the antivoid. "Error I am bored and alone PLAY WITH MEEEEEEE!!!!" I shouted into the antivoid. No response, and no shouting for me to go away.

      "Error....?" I asked out into the void then noticing it was empty. "Fine! If you ran off so you did not have to deal with me then I will hang out with Blue!" I grumbled as I opened a portal to underswap and walked into it. I was at the barrier. "Hellooooooooo?" I screamed as it echoed of the walls. "Who a-a-are you?" Questioned a very familiar voice. "Undyne?" I questioned as I turned around. "Ink are you ok?! Does blue know your here?!" She questioned with worry in her voice as she pulled me into a hug.

       "Blue does not know I am here. Why do you ask?" I asked as my eye's turned to question marks as I broke the hug. "Blue has killed everyone in Snowden and in the ruins, Alphys checked there are no survivors...." Undyne Said as she started to cry. "It is  ok! Go to everyone else in this universe I will deal with Blue." I Said as my eye's turned red. "Be careful! Alphys checked his level he is level 34, so be careful!" Undyne warned. "I will Alphys, I will." I Said as I teleported to Blue's door.

       I made my eye's stars again. I went to knock on the door but hesitated. 'You know what....I will need all the help I can get.' I thought as I went to dreamtale. I then teleported to Dream's tree. "DREAM!" I shouted. "Yea Ink?" Said dream. I looked up to see him sitting in the tree. "I need your Help Blue started to kill everyone in Underswap and I will need all the Help I can get." I said trying to stay calm.

"Wait!" Screamed Dream. "We can not wait long but what?!" I Said as quickly as possible. "How many survivors?" Questioned Dream. "Everyone in Waterfall, Hotland, and New Home made it..... Blue killed everyone in Snowden and the Ruins." I said as I started to cry.

        "Ink, please don't cry! I know you worked hard on that universe! Just stay calm!" Dream Said as he teared up. "If you cry I cry!" He said as tears dripped of his face. I giggled and wiped away the tears. "Ok let's go." I said calmly. I teleported us to Underswap But at the beginning we wanted to double check for survivors. No one was left... We found what was left of Asgore and cried because Asgore was so nice. We decided to go to Blue's house.

💛Dream's P.O.V💛

We both decided it was time to go to Blue's house. "Are you sure we are ready Ink?" I asked. "I.......I am sure....." Ink replied looking sad. "We could always get more help,and what is wrong?" I asked with a curios look. "I am worried what if Blue got Error and you know I worry about Error because we are dating." (I ship them don't get any weird ideas!) Ink replied with tears in his eye's. "Well if Blue got Error we will save him because Error is a strong monster and you know that!" I said trying to cheer him up.

"Heh, Yea I guess" Ink replied wiping his tears. We change our eye's to stars and knock on the door. "Be right there!" Shouted a voice from inside probably Blue. We hear footsteps running up stairs. The door opens. "Dream! Ink! So nice to see you!" Blue Said with a smile. But strangely his eye's were Blue not red. "How have you been Blue?" Ink asked. "Great! Thanks for asking." Blue replied almost instantly. "Hey where is your bro?" I asked. "He said he was going out on patrol........But Fell is coming over so I will have more friends over! :3" Blue replied with the cutest face ever.

          "Ink I am going to the basement." I whisper to Ink. He nods in response. "What'ch talking about?" Questioned Blue. "Oh I was just telling Ink about how I had to leave!" I lied. "I will just teleport!" I said. "Ok bye Dream!" Blue Said with a smile. I teleported into the basement. -muffled screams- "What was that?!" I said quietly. I walked into the light and I see Error Sans. "Error OMG What did he do to you!" I asked quietly as I took the tape of his mouth.

"RUN!!!" Error screamed. "Not with out you!" I say back. "RUN BLUE IS BEHIND YOU!!!!" Is all he screamed. I jumped onto him and opened a portal and teleported us to Underfell in the skelo-bro's living room. We land on there couch. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Screamed a familiar voice Fell Sans most likely.

"Fell! Oh thank GOD your hear!" I say with a sigh of relief. "Leave now! I am going to visit Blue he said you and Ink would be there to but NOOOOO you shit holes came here and broke my couch!" Fell Said as he gat angrier and angrier. "WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT GO VISIT BLUE!!!!!" I shout and Error starts to cry. "Error What is wrong?!" I asked worried about him. "hE kIlL hIs BrO aNd cLaSsIc SaNs!" He said in a glitchy voice. "Oh n-" "AnD hE hAs InK!" He said in a super glitchy voice as he started to sob. "What! When did he get Ink?!" I screamed scared for Inks life.

"wHeN i ToLd YoU tO rUn FrOm BlUe He HaD iNk BuT hE wAs UnCoNsCiOuS." Error replied with as he cried even more. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Fell screamed at us. "Blue has been killing everyone in underswap such as everyone in the ruins, and Snowden and Classic (Classic Sans) not only with Classic but Classic Toriel too and every single monster of Undertale's ruins!" I shout.  "Then why is he not after me?" Fell questioned calming down. "BeCaUsE bLuE iS dOiNg ThIs FoR yOu!" Error Shouted through his sobs.

       "Well Blue can't have me because I am with lust!" Fell Said with a half smile half frown. "WHAT?!" Me and Error screamed at the same time. "Me and Lust Sans have been in a relationship for almost 3 years now." Fell replied with a stern look. *knock knock* "Who is it?" Fell shouted. "Come on babe I said I would come over!" Screamed a sadly familiar voice.


Writer-Chan: hey I left it on a cliff hanger who do you think is at the door? Find out in the next chapter! ;3

Word count:1535

Together forever Yandere Blueberry x Fell sansWhere stories live. Discover now