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Lance watched as Hunk rolled out the pizza dough, taking the rolling pin and stretching the dough thin, occasionally dusting flour on the pin or the countertops to prevent it from sticking. "This look good, guys?" Hunk asked, holding the pizza dough up for Lance and Pidge to observe.

"Toss it! Toss it! Toss it!" Pidge chanted, hitting the countertop with each word. She looked very enthusiastic about it, and Lance didn't blame her. It would either be awesome or hilarious, both options would be cool.

"Pidge, it's going to fall on the floor," Hunk protested.

"Do it for the Vine," Lance encouraged with a smirk, grabbing his phone to film it.

"Fine." Hunk tossed the dough in the air, but instead of catching it with his hand, it awkwardly landed half on-half off of the countertop, draping over the white counter like a towel.

"Nice try." Pidge said sarcastically, dragging the words out. She clapped slowly.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted me to do this," Hunk reminded.

"Yeah, I never expected you would," She stated.

"All right, before I mess this up further, I'm going to go put it in the oven," Hunk said, grabbing the pizza, and placing it on a pizza stone. That's what they're called right? Pizza stones? Or was it slabs? Lance could never remember. His dad used to make homemade pizza on weekends, but Lance usually never cared about the process and only about the pizza.

"Before you put that in there, I'd like cheese and pepperoni." Lance said, pointing to the plain pizza dough.

"We need to let this cook first, then toppings." Hunk explained.

"Oh." He sat back into his chair. He only now noticed that Keith was still standing against the wall, not speaking, just listening in to the conversation and being alone in thought. Like a real-life chat ghost.

Lance tried to look closer. His eyes, they were hard to tell what color they were. Sometimes they looked dark blue, sometimes a dark gray, but occasionally almost an indigo hue, depending on the lighting.

Keith looked up from staring off into the distance. He scrunched up his brows and shrugged a little, like he was saying What are you staring at me for?

Lance shrugged and turned back. I dunno.

Pidge grabbed Lance's attention. "Hey, Lance, you have Instagram? I need someone to send all these memes to." She asked, looking up from her phone for a moment.

"Who doesn't?" Lance asked. Almost everyone he knew had it.

"Emo boy over there," Pidge pointed to Keith, who was awkwardly leaning against a wall, like an introvert at a party. Lance would know, he's met several introverts at parties.

"What? I just don't like Social Media. I already deal with enough people, I don't need to deal with more," He asked with a shrug.

"Shush, antisocial emo boy. Okay, one moment."

She got up off of the stool, walked over to where his phone was charging, muttering under her breath about how weird Apple phones are. "I sent myself a message, I'm techpidgeon5." She said.

"Cool, thanks. Hit me up with Hunk's account and we're all set." Lance said. He was starting to get attached to these people, to be totally honest. They were cool guys—or girls, in Pidge's case.

"Great, I get to bombard you with a million memes at three in the morning," Pidge said, and laughed to herself.

"Good quality memes, trashy memes, or so bad that they're good memes?" Lance asked for clarification

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